Chapter 45: There Is No Excuse Not To Hope

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I can see the irritated temple on her forehead from me eating alone...MEI you need to relax or not your hair might turn grey. I continue to eat with my ok hand as my left is still in the process of healing.

They bring me back to the building where I escape on the first day. MEI have promised me that she will negotiate with me. I prefer talk over bloodshed. Elysia is beside her as we talk over a cup of coffee and fish chips. I purposely eat loudly trying to test her patient(No, I'm trying to piss her off.)

"hehehe...." Elysia laugh dryly as she look at her friend who is enraged by me. I mean I did accept to talk but that doesn't mean I will be a good boy. I mean she send a squad and fire a missile at me! I have the right to mess with her in every sense.

"sigh___can we start to talk now mr.Kazuma?" MEI ask me which I smirk.

"I don't understand japanese~" Her face twitch as I keep messing around....oooh this fish is pretty nice.

"Could you be a little bit respectful in a negotiation?" She asked me which I pointed at her with the potato chip before I ATE IT!!!

"Have you ever heard the quote "Respect is something not given, but earn" that's my answer to your question and beside relax. It not like recruiting me will change the political view_"



"What do you mean? I'm sure my existence is rare but not that rare?" I was confused. I'm sure there is more powerful person or unique creatures in this world beside me? I mean that Mobius must have created something bizarre or aren't Herrscher more interesting topic than me?

MEI put many file and document on the table as I read it while she explain what currently happening in the MOTH. The higher up basically join force to protect the world and keep the existence of honkai from public view. But beside that they just the ordinary people that lust for power and control.

For me. Sure the concept of the other version of someone is not that surprising since it was a theory that feel like real. But what they want is the power I held. The power that may rival the worse existence to surface the world....Herrscher.

They can't have someone like me roaming around freely and it seems there is a faction in the higher up want me or any information that can be gain from me.

For me they think that I'm some sort of a wild card that just appears out of nowhere. Honkai might be the current enemy but that only for now. If we think far ahead, when the enemy is destroyed...what is the next enemy?....of course humanity itself.

Humanity is a disgusting creature by nature. They are blind by greed that they focus more on conflict rather than keeping the preservation of the mother nature. Sometime I think that honkai is a punishment for us stupid being. Humanity is proved to the most intelligence yet stupid...

Humanity has proven they are being that capable of evolution and master of adaption. Yet the progress is in the stage of stagnation. Why? How? Who? How can the thing that is the core of Human itself stop.

When the time of honkai over, return the age of Human Wars. By that time they probably use the weapon they gain to kill honkai and used it on Human. Quite ironic when we use the thing to kill honkai just to kill each other.

Humanity is destined to destroy themselves. Everything that we do will be nothing...The contribution of all living being will be nothing since by the end of time nothing will exist...My action will mean nothing in the one will remember me in hundred years or more...A future full of despair....

KonoImpact!!!! God Blessings On This Mess Up World.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz