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"The taste of your lips on the tip of my tongue. Is at the top of the list of the things I want."


"How do I fix a heart that I let down? How do I fix every little bit of mistakes I've done? How do I get him back?" Liam chewed on his lip as he spoke through the phone.

"So many questions, I can't keep up." Niall replied, rolling his eyes at his depressing best friend.

"Just- just try talk to him or something."

Liam ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head even though Niall wasn't in the same room as he was in, he still shook his head anyway. Niall knew he would be shaking his head right now.

"Didn't I tell you? He doesn't want to see me nor talk to me."

Niall sipped his cold nice beer. "Oh fuck sakes, cmon Laura Robson!" He cuss, almost spilling his drink.

"Oh, wait what did you say? I'm watching tennis."

Liam rolled his eyes and sighed for the fifth time. "Of course you are, you know what? Don't worry, I'll talk to you later."

Liam hung up the phone and shook his head, throwing his phone beside.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, laying his head on the couch.

"Fuck." He silently cussed to himself and stood up too quickly, slightly feeling light headed.

He picked his phone up and scrolled through his contacts trying to find Zayn's number.

He found it few seconds later and debated himself whether to call him or not. It's been so long since they've properly spoken, what if Zayn changed his number? What if Zayn blocked his number?

Liam sighed and tapped the screen, biting his lip as he brought the phone towards his ear.

He walked around the hotel room, a expensive hotel he was currently staying in since he had nothing to do and wanted Zayn desperately.

Liam knew that Zayn was going to move, one night they talked about their future and what was going to happen.

Zayn smiled and traced Liam's four arrow tattoos on his arm. Liam intently watched him, bring the younger lad closer to him.

"What did you want to be when you were a kid, Li?" Zayn whispered, moving his finger slowly against Liam's tattooed arm, tracing the tattoo.

Liam smiled softly and licked his lips, he watched Zayn, leaning his head against his.

"I wanted to be a firefighter, always wanted to save and help people." Liam replied, smiling at the thought.

Zayn nodded and smirked. "Mm, I can just imagine you."

Liam chuckled and pecked Zayn's cheek slightly, rubbing Zayn's back slowly.

"What about you?" Liam asked, looking at Zayn.

Zayn shrugged and looked back at Liam, placing his hand on his chest. "I wanted to be an English teacher or an artist, I don't care. Either, doesn't really matter."

Liam smiled lovingly at Zayn leaning back and picked him up with ease, placing him on his lap.

"That sounds great, babe. You'll be the best teacher in the world." Liam smiled at him, wrapping his arms around Zayn's waist.

Zayn smiled and wrapped his arms around Liam's neck. "And you will be the best firefighter in the world."

Liam sighed and hung up when it went through voice mail, he didn't want to ring again. He's not the type to ring more than once unless it's really important, which it is but he didn't want to annoy Zayn.

Liam placed his phone down and collapsed himself on the bed, he stared at the ceiling for couple of minutes, nearly falling asleep at how bored he was.

He really should just stop sulking and do something productive for once in his life.

He just wanted Zayn back and he will be perfectly happy.

He's 26 for God sakes and yet here he was on a hotel bed, staring at the white boring ass ceiling, thinking way too much and wishing that he was right next to Zayn, holding him and kissing him.

God he just missed Zayn so much, he missed the way his lips tasted on the tip of his tongue, the way his lips would move against his skin, the feeling of his hands and fuck, Liam was such a dick for doing what he had mistakenly done.

He shouldn't of thought of himself more than anything, he was so selfish and just didn't care about anyone's feelings, though he did care about Zayn's feelings but not as much as his own, he was just so damn selfish and he knows it.

He's been a fool, he was so far up his company that he only cared about the business and what anyone would think of him.

After everyone finding out about him and Zayn and after Zayn had dumped Liam's ass.

Liam realised how much of a mistake that was, how so wrong it was to only care for other people's opinions.

He came out to everyone after a few weeks later, feeling great about himself. It felt great coming out and telling everyone what he truly was, the weight on his shoulders vanished and he felt way better than before.

However, everyone was happy about Liam Payne coming out to the world. No one judged him and cared less, there was other important things to care about.

What he thought that day when he came out was Zayn, it wasn't long until Miranda had told him that Zayn moved to the states and got a job in New York to be an English teacher which Liam was taken aback.

He was happy for Zayn because he remember that Zayn wanted to be an English teacher since he was really good at English and enjoyed reading.

He wasn't surprised that he got a job as one, he was proud to be completely honest. Zayn wanted to be one, he was a young teacher student that Liam really loved.

Liam's phone vibrated beside him, making him trance out of his thoughts and come back into reality.

He picked his phone up and swiped the screen to answer the call, he brought the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" He answered, moving his eyes towards the door of the hotel.

"Liam." Zayn's deep Bradford voice spoke through the phone.

Liam couldn't help but smile when he heard the Bradford voice, he noticed that his voice has gotten deeper.

"Hey, Zayn." Liam replied, sighing softly.

The line went silent, Zayn biting his bottom lip hard to prevent him from crying and letting out a sob. He held his phone tightly in his hand.

"You called? Sorry, I was in class teaching." Zayn spoke and rubbed his eyes.

Liam smiled and sat up, moving back so he could lean against the headboard of the bed.

"Yeah it's fine, I just wanted to say that I miss you and just checking how you've been."

Zayn closed his eyes and smiled slightly. "I'm good, yeah."

"Good, you still haven't changed your number eh? I might of thought you've deleted and blocked my number." Liam let out a chuckle.

Zayn leaned back on the headboard, in the same position Liam was in. He softly chuckled.

"No point really, I ain't all about that life."

Liam laughed lightly and smiled. "That's good to know."

Zayn nodded and heard the sound of Harry's voice from downstairs which made him quickly get up.

"I gotta go Liam, it was nice talking to you. Goodbye." With that the line went dead, causing Liam to sigh sadly.


A short ziam moment, how depressing ):

Question, did you guys expect Harry and Zayn being together or not?

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