Chapter 25: Final Battle Part 1

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Back on Staten Island as Donnie clenching on the bars of the balcony with his hands, looking at the soda tab craft bracelet that Liana gave him. Unfortunately, everyone is shocked about Superfly new form and the girls got separated from each other.

"Alright, we've give it a shot. Back to the sewer I got pizza night for dinner." Raph suggested that they give up on everything.

Leo glared at him. "Really?"

"We can't stop that thing." Donnie said as he looked at Leo and continued the conversation. "We couldn't stop him before he became that thing. Other than that he probably separated the girls."

"What? So, we just go home without them?" Leo shouted in less anger.

"I bet the army will be here soon." Mikey said as he leaning his arms between the bars of the balcony. Splinter was giving thoughts about what he said to his boys and figured that he was being overprotective.

"Well, according to every Godzilla movie. He'll eventually get here." Donnie said in a squeaky voice.

"No! Not that!" Splinter shouted out as the rat faced everyone, thinking a few words to say to his sons. "Boys, I messed up. I don't want to be like Superfly. I love you boys, I want you to be happy. Even though, I don't like humans that much. I want them to like you because you want them to like you. So we're gonna take that monster down and we're gonna film it. Then show it to the world and the world will love you! And they will chant, Turtles, turtles, turtles!" He said as the rat father was out of breath. Bebop and rocksteady were actually touched by the speech.

"Oh man. I felt great after that speech." Rocksteady said, pleased.

"It was fully rousing, you know." Bebop said.

Donnie's phone vibrate and he answered the call. "Hello?"

April was watching everything from her outside window. "Hey, what am I looking at? What happened to the whole 'stop superfly' thing? Are we not doing that anymore or what's up?" She asked in concerned.

"So much has changed since the last time we spoke."


Leo took Donnie's phone and started talking to her. "It's a lot to take in, okay? But first, do you may have anything for us to stop that thing?" He asked nervously.

April stuttered in words. "Um, actually I may have something after all. Meet me at the thing. I'll be on my way right now." She said as she put on her helmet and drove off with the gun that had a blue vial inside.

"Let's go!" Leo said. The mutants cheering loudly and they were on their way to save New York.

Sitting there in silence as Hailey tried everything to get out of here, but there was nothing she can't do. Although, if only Hailey could tell Leo how she felt about him, that she wouldn't be in this mess in the first place and got separated from her sisters.

Hailey sighed sadly. "I should have told Leo how I really felt about him sooner." She thought to herself as she let out a sniffle.

Later trapped in a subway tunnel with tons of rocks and rubble still blocking the exit as Eva and Maxine were being very silent to each other, not saying anything. A little bit of water dripping very slowly from the pipes up to the ceiling.

"We're never getting out of here, are we?" Maxine asked gently, not looking at her own sister after the argument that they had.

"No." Eva said gently as she started to think about the love of her life Raph. She drew something in the dirt that says 'Eva x Raph forever.' Unfortunately, she didn't want to be friends with Raph because she only thinks of him as her love life.

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