Chapter 4: Shopping Mission

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A light bulb shines in front of the room as Leo grabbed a hold of his blue mask and then puts it on his face, the boys geared up and getting their weapons as Leo got both of his swords, Donnie twirling his stick around, Mikey spinning both of his nunchucks in his hands and Raph licks off one of his sais like a badass.

Getting out of the sewers as the boys jumped from the rooftops, catching up with each other. Making a stop, the turtles had white eyes and their mask ties blowing in the breeze of the wind as Leo started to talk in a Batman voice.

"Master Splinter's have given us an very important mission for tonight, the target is across the street we must use stealth and cunning to inflitrate the human world and retrieve... Go-Gurt!" Leo replied.

Raph mimicked. "Go-Gurt."

"Okay batman." Mikey said, letting out a chuckle.

"Dude, what? I'm just trying to hype you guys up." Leo said in his normal voice as Raph took the list from him.

"Give me that list." Raph said as the red mask teen turtle looked over the shopping list. "What else are we getting? Two quarts of low fat milk, ice cream, fruits and veggies and a party size bag of cool ranch Doritos."

"Eh, I like cheese puffs." Mikey said.

Donnie had the list now. "He was specific about the party size because he underlined it twice."

Leo takes the list back and assigned his brothers different positions on their mission tonight.

"Alright, Donnie you're on toilet trees, Raph you're stocking up the pantry and Mikey you're on junk food." Leo said as the youngest sibling salute him.

"Yes sir ski." Mikey replied.

"And remember don't let any human see you because why...." Leo asked as him and his brothers started to say their motto all together like they've always do.

"Humans are the demon scum of the earth avoid them don't say 'hi' they've like to lust of murder which is different from them and to interact with them is to die." The boys said in unison as Leo faced his brothers while holding the shopping list in his hands.

"Hey, I know that's objectively prejudiced but that's what dad taught us." Leo said.

"I think humans are pretty cool to be honest! Beyonce." Mikey said as Raph and Donnie nodded and agreeing with him.

"Drake! He's the goat of all time!" Raph said in a happy tone.

"We wouldn't have K-pop without humans too." Donnie replied.

"I would love to have a champagne brunch with Tom Brown." Leo said as the boys thinking that it was really cool.

"He seems like a fun to hang with! I've always wanted to go to flavor town." Mikey pointed out as Leo told them that they had to focus on their mission.

"I know that we think that humans are cool, but we've got a job to do! Let's go!" Leo said in a Batman voice again as his brothers mocking him for it.

"You sound like you have bronchitis." Donnie said in a squeaky voice.

Covering the cameras in the store as Leo went in first and signaling his brothers to start getting some stuff that they've needed, Raph got two bags of bread with his sais and Donnie reached for some toilet paper with his bo staff and Mikey carried a box over his head. Tossing up the stuff up to the vents as Donnie listened to K-pop music with his headphones on, Raph tried to keep up with catching the stuff with his hand.

After getting the last item on the list, carrying the groceries in bags as the boys climbed up the ladders while they weren't paying attention to the news on big screen except for Mikey who stopped for a few minutes and then started climbing back up to the top.

"Not bad, heading home on a good note! Let's get these groceries home before-" Leo said as the red mask turtle cut him off and he wanted to stay out for a little longer than an hour.

"Wait, what? We've only been out for an hour! Come on, let's stay out!" Raph suggested as Mikey agree with him.

"Yeah, come on!" Mikey said gently.

"Guys come on, we said that we weren't gonna do this anymore! Last week was Madison garden to watch the Knicks, the week before that was the Adele concert." Leo said as he didn't want him and his brothers to get into anymore trouble.

"She hit them notes like crazy!" Mikey said.

"It was trenscending!" Raph said.

"Splinter is gonna catch on, we're gonna get grounded." Leo said in annoyance as Donnie spoke and continued to look at his phone.

"He's a shut-in, he doesn't know how long it takes us to do things! For all he knows that it takes us about 3 hours to get to the bodega." Donnie said.

"Guys no! We told him that we wouldn't mess around anymore alright?" Leo asked as Donnie showed his brothers a movie coming up at the Brooklyn bridge tonight.

"Oh hey, there's a movie night in Brooklyn." Donnie said in a happy tone as Raph and Mikey followed him with the groceries in their hands.

"Yeah! I hope it's a funny one." Mikey said.

"I hope it's violent!" Raph said.

"You need to chill out Raph!" Donnie replied as they've started to leave Leo behind, jumped off of the roof.

"Stop mopping Leo, let's go!" Mikey shouted out.

Leo sighed. "Fine, wait up!"

Meanwhile, watching the movie called 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' at the Brooklyn bridge as the boys were really enjoying the movie too much, careful not being seen by one of the humans down there below.

"Oh snap!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Wow! That vest has a choice!" Raph said in a happy tone.

"I wish I had hair like that." Mikey said.

"I wish I had hair! Period!" Donnie said.

Mikey looks over at him. "We did go bald at a young age."

"Is this high school in real life?" Leo asked concerning and thinks about high school and everything else.

"Yeah! When you go to high school, you can just hijacked a parade float whenever you want." Raph said.

"Can you imagine that?" Mikey asked.

"I'm totally not jealous at all." Donnie said as they continued to watch the movie, Leo looked down at the cute couple with smiling faces on.

"You know? Maybe one day everyone will love us like they love ferris Bueller." Raph said.

Leo frowned. "Yeah, maybe one day! Let's get home guys."

The boys started to head to the sewers as Donnie lifted up the lid, with sad faces on while looking back at the movie one last time.

"Guys let's go." Leo said in sadness.

Mikey closed the lid, the boys slowly walked with sad looks as they've carried the groceries. Sneaking pass the teenagers near a subway as the boys were almost home, Donnie had his headphones on again and Mikey stopped to look at the beautiful city lights, he sighed and had a sad look on his adorable face.

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