Chapter 3: Becoming Teenagers

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15 years later...

Throughout the years as the girls became teenagers now, they have been sneaking out into the human world without their father and the other mutants knowing any of it. However, Hailey and her sisters actually loved being out here and they've learned so many things that actual human teenagers do but they have been very careful about being seen by the humans, since the girls discovered that teenage humans like to wear clothes and making their personality into a style that each of them loved.

The important thing that the sea turtle teen girls want to know about is...romance because everytime the girls watches romance movies; they've feel like that they wished to meet others their age to fall in love with.

"Thanks for making my dreadlocks longer Hailey, I'm really lucky to have a sister like you." Eva said in a happy tone as she hugged her sister.

Hailey let out a chuckle. "Anytime Eva."

Walking up on the rooftops, Maxine had discovered that humans get tattoos and she really wants one so badly, but max had a fear of the needles. Plus, her dad won't allow it because he really doesn't like humans that much in his entire life.

"Girls, do you know what I want more than anything in the world?" Maxine asks her sisters as they started to guess.

"Is it a pet cat?" Eva asked.

"Or a puppy?" Liana asked.

Maxine shakes her head. "Nope! It would be really cool and awesome if I'd got a tattoo! I've been searching for some cool ideas on social media on my phone."

"Hahaha!" The three girls laughing hysterically as max rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Come on Max, we already know that your afraid of needles." Eva said with a smirk on her face.

Max scoffed. "Oh yeah, I bet I can face my fear without tears streaming down my freckled cheeks."

"But dad might get angry if he founds out about it." Hailey said as Liana started to come up with a great idea that came to her genius head.

"Maybe he doesn't have to know." Liana said as she raises her eyebrow while looking at her sisters.

Back at Staten Island as the girls were outside of the top of the balcony. Luckily, Superfly and the other mutants were asleep tonight, it was 11:00 pm tonight as Liana opens her book of magic and spells, flipping through the pages and stopped while Hailey and Eva just watched them. Using her purple amethyst birthstone to make a diamond shiny pointed needle. Max was kinda nervous about the sharp needle in her sister's hand.

Liana used a candle to make the diamond needle very sharp. "Needle sharpened perfectly."

Max started to stutter a little bit in a nervous way.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" She asked.

"Relax, you've been wanting a tattoo ever since you were 10 years old; it's nothing!" Liana said with a smile on her face, holding the sharp diamond needle as max looking more nervous than ever. "Just close your eyes and it will be over before you know it."

Eva smirk and crossed her arms. "This should be good."

"Hailey, can you hand me the black ink?" Liana asked politely as the oldest sister opened up a little container of black ink that was for tattoos. "Thank you."

"No problem." Hailey replied.

"Just relax, I'm telling you it's not a big deal. On the count of 3 remove the ice from your arm." Liana said. Max was holding on to the piece of ice on her right arm.

"1, 2, 3..."

Quickly removing the block of ice from her arm as Max's eyes widen in fear with the needle getting closer to her arm. Liana puts the sharp needle on her arm as max couldn't take it anymore and screaming in pain.

"HOLY PEPPERONI, THAT HURTS!!!!" Max screaming echoes all over the city near out Staten Island.

After Liana got done with the tattoo as the girls were already in bed that night, being silent and not talking about what they've been discovering in the human world so far. Superfly wouldn't understand that his daughters just want to be normal, so they decided not to talk to him about it.

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