
"Luce what's going on? I've..well..I've heard the song" His demeanour was surprisingly calm as I expected something far worse far angrier. After all I'd written a song about him.

"Yeah I figured you would've" I rubbed my face with hand clutching my phone ever so tightly with the other "It's a misunderstanding we're trying to clear up it was never meant to be released"

"A misunderstanding? I don't know about that, Luce some of those lyrics are quite hurtful did you really think no one would catch on it was about us?" I heard him take a faint deep breath as my heart sank. I'd never meant to make him upset but as artists especially music ones we were constantly using our real life experiences as inspiration for songs that indefinitely sailed to number one in charts.

"Charles the song wasn't meant to be that deep I swear"

"But it was released Luce and now everyone thinks I hurt and betrayed you in the most awful way. You know I never meant for any of that to happen I've always wanted us to be okay"

"You wanted us to be okay?" I could feel several pairs of eyes bore into the back of me as I stared out of the window over the busy streets "You practically sent me packing from Baku"

"I know I did"

"We was never going to be okay after that Charles.."

"I-" He paused with a heavy sigh "Maybe it was a bad idea calling"

"Yeah you think" I put bluntly, not that I wanted it to come off bitter but I was angry. It felt like he'd phoned me to have a go. No correction he had phoned me to have a go. The line went dead quickly afterwards, I was feeling frustrated and upset. I knew in that moment we'd both made mistakes in that conversation, it wasn't like the Charles and Luce we knew. I turned back to the face the girls who knew very well without an input from me that the conversation hadn't gone well, Jade scrunched her eyebrows in concern "Are you alright hun?"

"Forget about that we've got bigger problems" Everyone gave small silent nods before Leigh spoke up quietly "Luce is right let's focus on sorting this first and then we can deal with Charles later"

I perched myself back down across from Camille who was frantically looking through a pile of important documents before her "How do we find out who did this?" I asked.

Camille could only shake her hand as she tentatively rubbed her chin with her thumb "The journalists aren't going to tell us who gave them the song and without that information we don't have a lot to work with"

"Fuck" I hushed under my breath. We was truly up to our necks in it with every corner practically blocked off. Camille sighed addressing the group "You guys focus on that statement and leave me to the detective work at the end of the day you've got a career to put forward and you've got the Mets tomorrow night your dresses should be coming shortly"

"The Met Gala? Shit I forgot about that" Jesy exclaimed almost throwing herself back against the seat in frustration. Every year without fail we'd attend, me and Jade especially loved the idea of dressing up, each time we'd try to outshine each other as a running joke but this year it felt different. Everything felt different. Camille's phone quickly buzzing pulled me out of the daydream id slammed myself into as she upped and left taking it privately, leaving us sat still pondering at the mess we was in.

𝘍𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 | Charles Leclerc Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora