in the quiet of the night

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Pov. Storyteller

Wolf had closed the door in Rory's face and now Rory found himself alone on the street once again, he had spent a long time on the street but now he felt scared as if this were going to be his first time on the street, it was starting to get dark and to cool down, Rory felt a little cold as he put his hands in his pockets, both his hands were cut and still hurt, his white shirt under his coat was covered in blood, the wolf was now angry with him and wouldn't open the door now he had no other option but to get out of there, Rory with his hands in his pockets looked one last time in the direction of the wolf's house and then started walking away from there, with a heavy heart and feeling a little angry with Rory the wolf through the peephole on the door watched him leave.

Wolf's house was in a mess, the cabinets and TV shelves were open, there were papers and photos scattered all over the room, Wolf's money was gone, Wolf thought that Rory had given his money to a gang or was in debt or he had managed to gain his trust and then helped some bandits rob him and then the bandits attacked him and took all the money and Rory tried to return, whatever had happened, Wolf for the first time found some advice from his father useful when he said that Raccoons weren't trustworthy, now Wolf thought he was safe, Rory was now far away and wouldn't bother him or cause any problems.

Rory walked away looking for a place to sleep, the Raccoon walked with his head down, he couldn't keep his shoulders straight without feeling his back hurt, Rory looked for some benches in a block close to the house where the wolf lived but everyone was busy. Rory's belly shook making a noise, the raccoon was hungry, he put his hand on his belly before continuing to walk until he arrived near a supermarket where there were some stacks of cardboard boxes, Rory removed some stacks of cardboard and lay down above them, both his hands were swollen and he felt a burning sensation in his stomach when he moved too much, the knife blade had caused more superficial wounds in some areas and deeper ones in others, Rory now felt afraid of being on the street, he had lost the habit so quickly is there and now he felt pain and hunger, Wolf was preparing lunch while cleaning up all that mess he without realizing he made food counting on Rory, without meaning to call Rory's name when he sat at the table and placed his, he had dinner but remembered that Rory was no longer there, he went to brush his teeth and watched TV until before going to sleep.

- Keep the volume down Rory, I'm going to sleep. - Said Wolf but when he saw the empty sofa he remembered again that Rory was no longer there, he turned off the TV, turned off the light in the living room and went to the bedroom to sleep, he turned around side to side and he couldn't even relax, something was taking away his peace and making him uncomfortable, Rory felt the hardness of the sidewalk floor and even with several layers of cardboard stacked on top of each other he couldn't feel any bit of comfort, he still felt a little afraid of Jonathan, he was afraid that Jonathan could appear at any moment and do something bad to him, the Raccoon sometimes felt his eyelids were heavy but any noise like a car passing by made him open his eyes.

The hours passed and the previously dark sky full of stars was now turning a dark blue, it was dawn and Rory hadn't been able to sleep at all, his eyes were red he felt his body become heavy to the point where he couldn't react anymore to the noises of the street, he felt himself being heavy, it was sleep taking over his body.

Two weeks later

Rory walked through the streets looking for food, his white shirt under his coat was all dirty, his coat had a bad smell and his fur was messy, Rory was looking through trash cans looking for food, he wasn't the only one and was with other homeless people doing the same, it was difficult to find anything, some fruits in perfect condition for consumption smelled of detergent and bleach, the restaurant owners preferred to do that rather than give food to homeless people.

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