Chapter 10

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Pov. Storyteller

Rory got into the car with Wolf and Wolf sat in the driver's seat and put the keys in and started the vehicle.

- Put on your seat belts - said the wolf.

- Okay Daddy - said the raccoon, putting on his seat belts, the wolf looked at Rory with a mini smile on his lips, not taking what the raccoon had just said seriously.

The windows of the car on the side where Rory was sitting were lowered a little and Rory could see what was happening in Manet's restaurant for a few seconds the raccoon waited for the chaos that was to come, the wolf made a small retreat with the car backwards. in which Rory heard the noise of a pig screaming and the noise of porcelain plates and crystal glasses breaking as they fell to the floor along with the noise of people screaming and running out of the restaurant in terror, Wolf accelerated the car a little and began to drive Leaving away from there, Rory heard a noise that sounded like Manet screaming as the car drove away from there.

Rory, who had a mini smile on his face, made an effort not to smile, Wolf just looked in the direction of the restaurant and continued driving the vehicle.

- What happened? - Said the wolf, trying to concentrate while driving, Rory, seeing the wolf's curious face, made a huge effort to hold back his laughter. The raccoon had left the chaos behind and managed to get away without anyone noticing that he was responsible.

- Take that damn thing off! This hurts - Manet screamed while the pig bit his hand, Manet in desperation kicked the animal but it was useless because the animal wouldn't let go and bit his hand and moved its head like a dog biting a shoe.

One of his security guards hit the sow on the back with a broomstick to make her let go but she continued biting the cat who in desperation continued screaming without stopping, another dog picked up a chair and hit the sow but she didn't let go and Manet was still in agony of pain, some people who had their cell phones took photos or filmed what was happening.

- Strip! Strip! Get that pig out of me! - shouted the cat while his desperate security guards tried to help him, one of the cats took a huge cylindrical iron bar and hit the pig hard on the head, who fainted but with the cat's hand in his mouth.

The dog that had chased Rory found this a little funny as he saw another dog trying to open the sow's mouth to free the cat's hand.

Rory was in the car with Wolf and the two were returning to Wolf's house. The Raccoon noticed that Wolf seemed a little melancholic and noticed that there was an atmosphere of sadness hanging over Wolf at times.

- Sometimes he seems a little sad to me, does he have family or friends? - Rory asked himself while watching the wolf drive.

- It's strange that a wolf is out there alone, most wolves at this age have a pair or are among friends, maybe that fox I saw in that photo is his friend, maybe! - Rory thought, remembering when he was looking through wolf things and had found a photo of a red fox.

- And now what do I do? I can't pretend I'm his father forever, I don't want to let him go around alone, he and a child - the wolf thought about Rory.

- Why is he helping me? Maybe he has few friends and is feeling alone - thought the raccoon

- I think he had a family, he called me father when he was delirious, I just wonder what he does alone on the streets. - Wolf thought.

- Maybe he wants to have a child. - Rory thought but thought that thought might be absurd.

I must try to find his family and take him home. - Thought Wolf about the Raccoon.

Wolf arrived home and rolled down the car window pressing a control that made the garage door open, Wolf parked the car in the garage and then the garage door closed, Wolf removed the seat belts and got out of the car with Rory going a little back.

Rory sat on the couch and Wolf went to take a shower and then brush his teeth, Rory just sat on the couch and dressed sloppily as he was.

- At least go take a shower and brush your teeth - Said the wolf, seeing the raccoon with some mustard and ketchup marks on his shirt.

- I will. - Said Rory with a sloppy voice and feeling lazy as he watched the wolf go up the stairs and go to sleep.

Rory turned off the TV and just took off his shirt and lay down on the couch without taking a shower or changing his socks, the raccoon with a full and sleepy belly soon began to sleep.

Rory was playing in the rain with his brother Alejandro, it was raining a lot and there was a white fog taking over everything, Alejandro was shivering from the cold and his chin was moving, they were both soaked and after playing and running in the rain in the middle of that much In the fog they had gotten lost and forgotten the way home. Rory's dog brother was worried because the two were in the middle of a white fog and it was only possible to catch the light from the streetlights in the middle of that fog.

Rory realized that it was already getting dark and the two of them should get home quickly because they're Mother must already be worried, Rory was trying to see through that fog and find a way out.

- We need to get home soon - said the dog worriedly.

- I'm trying to find a way out. - Said the raccoon.

- If we get caught, it's your fault. - Said the dog, already afraid of being beaten.

Rory saw a house in the middle of that whiteness and took his brother's hand.

- Come this way - Rory said and Alejandro followed him.

- Let's stay here until this rain stops. - Said the raccoon after the two had entered an abandoned house.

- Don't do that now! - Said the raccoon to his dog brother who began to shake himself to dry all the water that was on his fur.

- Sorry. - Said Alejandro, seeing Rory even more wet.

- I hope this rain stops soon - Said the raccoon, a little worried seeing the sky is dark and filled with rain clouds.

- Me too. - Said the dog, afraid of being beaten when he got home.

Rory and his brother returned to where they lived and were soaked and dripping leaving drops of water wherever they went.

Rory knocked on the door of his house while his brother was a little away from where he was and with his ears down the door opened and their mother appeared and she was holding a choir sandal in her hand.

- You two go in now - Said the mother, Rory didn't want to go in, Alejandro entered with his ears down while Rory was afraid to enter.

- Inside! Rory! Now! - Said the mother with the sandal in her hand.

Rory woke up and realized that what had just happened had been a dream, he found himself alone in the middle of that night, tears of longing fell from his eyes and he wished he had his family back.

At breakfast the wolf had prepared coffee for both of them, there was toast and some had been placed on the wolf's plate and others on the raccoon's plate.

Rory drank coffee with little or no enthusiasm while wolf just watched it was possible for wolf to notice that there were ups and downs in the raccoon's behavior at one moment the raccoon was happy and at another he was sad.

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