Of course he did
I'm his favourite after all

That's true

He did say that

Mia, my love


I'll come get you since I'll be dropping my sisters off and the hotel is in that area

I never said I was coming

...that's what she said

Great! So I'll tell coach that's a yes for you for supper

Fine whatever
I'll be waiting

Do we have to dress up?

Yeah at least that's what Geno said

Baby, come to media day 😩


Fucking simp

I check the time on my phone. It's only 2 so I have a little time. Nika texted that she would be there at like 3 so I have an hour to chill and get ready.

Once 3 came around, I sat outside waiting for her. It's easy to know when she's coming because her music will be blasting and you can hear it from all the way down the street. I rush to her car and get in.

"Explain to me what media day is" I immediately tell her as she drives off. "It's like a day where we take nice photos and all of that" I nod my head. "And why do we have to dress up fancy for supper?" she parks the car and looks at me. "It's supper"

Paige's pov

I'm so excited to show Mia what I got her. I hope she likes it because I've been waiting in line for hours for this little thing but I just know it will be all worth it. Nika texted me saying that she's here so I rush to the gym, where everyone else is, and sit down next to Azzi.

"So how are you and Zade?" I ask her and slump back in my seat. "Good. He's taking me out tonight after supper" I smile and nod at her. "Are you happy?" I ask her. We're friends so of course I need to know if she's happy.

"Yeah. I am" I nod and we look at KK who's goofing around like always. "Boo!" I jump and turn around with my fist in the air. "You bitch" I say to Nika who was the one who scared me. "Put your fist down. You can't even fight a fly" she laughs in my face.

"Azzi! Come here!" KK shouts. Azzi sighs and get up and jogs to KK. We still have half an hour before we start our photos. "Wanna go back to my room? I have something to show you" I stand up and grab Mia's hand.

"Sure" she happily smiles and kisses my cheek. "Woah. Where are you two going?" coach G ask jogging up to us. "I have to show Mia that thing" I make a face to him hoping he would understand what I'm saying.

"What thing?" I sigh glaring at him. "That thing" at this point, Mia is confused. "Oh that thing" he finally gets it. "Yes. That thing" oh my god. "Don't take long. We have photos soon" he says walking off.

"What was all of that?" Mia ask walking next to me and squeezing my hand. "You'll see when we get to my room" she nods and stays silent for the rest of the walk. "You okay?" I ask her after pressing the button to the elevator.

Fake LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя