Bonus part: The Royals Alone Time

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   Adrien smirked as he carried his bride to the honeymoon suite.  It was room fancier than most in the castle. He shut the door and bolted it.  He set her beside the bed. He smiled at her as she looked at him. It was clear she was not sure what to do.

     "Let me guide you, dear." He said.

    Marinette nodded her head in agreement. He undid the buttons on her dress and saw a blush on her face. He kissed her. She reached up and grabbed his shirt. She held onto it unsure what else was expected of her.

     "Hot, " He said to her. "W-what?" She asked. "You are hot and you are my wife," He said. "Y-yes," Marinette muttered. 

*Contains some mildly mature content.

  Adrien whispered, "Take it off." Marinette removed his shirt. She saw it land on the floor and started to panic. She was scared to death. She had no idea why she should react this way. She was married to him, but yet she felt terrified.

      Adrien picked her up and took her to the space they had stood in before. He saw her back up so she was in front of the wall again. He smirked. He kissed her and stood as close as he could. Marinette's dress was longer on her shoulders. He was glad. She need not cover up for the alone time.

        He grabbed her thigh. She made a sound that pleased him. He felt her touch him. He made a satisfied noise too. The two seemed to move at once as if it were a dance. Only it was far better. 

   "Marinette, you please me," He whispered in her ear as they made love. He felt her relax at once. Glad she was no longer afraid. He kissed her ear then, her neck. She responded by kissing his neck too.

They finished, and he took her into the bathroom.  "Wife," He said. "Husband." She said.

   The two got ready for bed. It was earlier but neither of them cared. They climbed under the covers. Adrien handed her a rose. She put it in the vase on the nightstand beside the bed.

     Adrien got up and entered the side room area. It was a small kitchen separate from the rest of the palace. He prepared a meal there.  He brought it back to her."Eat," he said. Marinette smiled. "It looks delicious," She said. Adrien ate too. When they had finished, he said, now for dessert.

    Marinette knew that look and smirked. She pulled him under the covers. It was even better the second go she thought. Adrien smiled as she lay beside him.

  The next day, they had sex again and then showered. 

      Every day after that they had business to attend to, but during the evenings after dinner was their time.  

 Time skip!

   One year later, Marinette stayed in bed most of the day. Adrien was concerned. He brought her water and some tea. He brought her soup too. She ate the food and drank the water and tea.

  "Marinette, what is it?  Are you homesick? Do you wish to go back to your old life?" He asked. He felt tears form. He was worried she should leave him.

  "No, Adrien. I will not go. I refuse to leave you. You hear. I love you."  Marinette said and kissed him.

   "Why did you stay in bed so much?" He asked. "I  felt ill, but I'm much better now," She said.

        Adrien had the doctor check on her. He smiled. "She is fine for how far along she is," The doctor said. "How far along? What?" He asked. He did not seem to understand what the doctor was saying. "It is alright, honey, I am having a baby. Your baby,"  Marinette said.

   Adrien was pleased.  He was glad he got to be a father. He was thrilled that Marinette had been the one to help him, to marry him, and to have his baby.  

Viperstien by Summer Cheng (@SummerCheng37)Where stories live. Discover now