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• Adhira •

His grip on my hand tightened instinctively as we made our way into the narrow streets of a local market in Udaipur.

The scent of spices enveloped us, while the chatter of vendors and shoppers created a symphony of voices around us.

"Let's eat Kadhi Kachori." He said, leading me to the small stall on his right, where the wooden desks were spread out.

Asking me to take a seat, he went to place the order. Or to be precise, he stood there watching the man prepare food, probably ensuring hygiene.

I couldn't help but stole a glance at him, admiring the way sunlight kissed his skin, casting a golden glow that highlighted the contour of his face.

His dark strands were perfectly set back, while mine looked like a tangled mess, thanks to the auto ride we took from the City Palace to the market.

Gathering my hair back, I made a messy bun, securing it with a clutch, which he'll
inevitably steal as soon as he notices my hair up.

In the past month, I have lost a total of two clutches and six rubber bands to him, and I have never found them again because my husband always seems to forget where he put them.

Except the black one, he's still wearing it
on his wrist.

"Here." He said extending a plate towards me as he settled into the seat across mine.

As I reached for the plate, he removed the Ray-bans from his slightly crooked nose, and tucked it into the collar of his shirt.

"How's it?" He asked, his mouth already half full from a big bite of Kachori.

His one bite is equal to my three bites. He eats so fast, leaving me no choice but to hasten my own pace, because then he keeps on gazing at me, waiting for me to finish.

"So good." I replied taking another bite.

"Of course, you would like it. After all it's not a fancy-schmancy place right?" He said with a sarcastic chuckle.

I felt embarrassed at this point. Why did
he have to remind me of this?

If I had known it was his hotel, I wouldn't have said it to his face, at least not the first time he took me there. I think it really did hit his ego.

"I can make better Kachoris than these." His voice was confident as he filled his mouth with the last bite, not wanting to waste the food.

"Sure, you can." I too smiled sarcastically
at him, although I had no doubt he could make better than these. He's indeed a good chef.

"Challenge kar rahi ho?" He raised his right eyebrow, leaning closer to me.

[Are you challenging me]

"Jo marzi samajh len." I replied calmly.

[Whatever you think]

Before he could respond, his phone rang, causing him to pull back into his previous position.

Taking his phone out of his jeans pocket, he let out an irritated sigh as he looked at the screen. "Kabirrr," he muttered, dismissing the call.

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