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(Time skip from Sun and Moon's room to.... a bar.)

I was sitting on a bar stool, ordering a drink. While Sun and Moon stood menacingly behind me. I felt kinda self-conscious to have two giant robots standing behind me, but what could I do?

The bartender hands me my drink, I take a few sips before announcing: 

"I'm going to the bathroom, be right back."

I get up, and walk to the back. The noise slowly fades to nothing but muffled party music and the clinking of glasses. I walk down a hall, having a sinking feeling in my stomach.

As I open the female bathroom door, a hand suddenly clamps over my mouth, and a knife is held under my chin.

I freeze, the hand felt soft, almost like rabbit fur.

The perpetrator was behind me, so I couldn't see them.

The knife slowly slides down my neck, it's cold touching leaving me with goosebumps.

My heart felt like it was in my throat, I tried to think, concentrate. I needed a way to either distract this thing and run, or call to Sun and Moon.

There was a snicker, whoever, or whatever this was, was female. That much I could tell.

"You know... I would have just left you alone... Had you not gotten in the way...~"

The thing speaks, ok. It was definitely female.

Suddenly, I'm shoved through the bathroom door, landing on the cold tiled floor with a thud.

I scramble to my feet, and try to get a good look at my attacker. in the darkness of the bathroom all I could see were a pair of red... glowing eyes...

"Wh-who are you!?"

I yell, backing away.

The creature snickers.

"Call me... Vanny."

Vanny and I circle each other for a good ten minutes before I get close enough to a lightswitch to flick it on.

The both of us are momentarily blinded as we had gotten used to the dark setting.

As soon as I could I opened my eyes to see this... Vanny person.

There were in a patched up rabbit suit with what looked to be the mouth of the Scream mask.


They had a rather large knife.


They screech, chucking the knife at me. I duck, and it shatters the mirror behind me.

My heart was racing at the point, and I was fueled by pure adrenaline. 

I bolt for the door, Vanny lunges, trying to stop me. She misses and goes face first into the trash can.

I run down the hallway, and scan the overly populated bar for Sun and Moon.

I spot them, they were talking with an older man. Moon looked disinterested while Sun was having the time of his life.

I hear the bathroom door open and I make a run for it. 

In no time I made it to Moon, I grab his hand, pulling at it frantically.

"We have to go, right now!"

He grabs my shoulders.

"Woah, Starlight, calm down. Whats wrong? Your stress, anxiety, and adrenaline levels are through the roof."

I struggle to speak, my words spilling out so fast it sounds like gibberish.

"R-red eyes, rabbit, V-vanny, ba-bathroom"

The moment Moon heard the name "Vanny" come out of my mouth, his eyes widened. He grabs my hand tightly, and pulls both me and Sun out of the bar, and back to my car.

He gets into the drivers seat, putting me in the back, and Sun in shotgun.

He starts the car, and locks the doors. He then turns to me. He and Sun could barely fit in my car. 

"When you said Vanny, what were you talking about."

His expression and tone were dead serious.

"I-I went to the bathroom, and and this thing grabbed me, it had a knife, and the red eyes that I kept seeing. It said its name was Vanny. I-it tried to kill me, saying something like I shouldn't have gotten in the way... something like that."

Sun and Moon exchanged worried glances.

"Starlight... are you ok? Did she hurt you?"

I was still visibly shaken.

"N-no, she tried to l-lunge for me but w-went face first into a t-trash can."

Moon looks like he's fighting back laughter. 

"Sunshine, you look shaken. How about we take you home, hm?"

I nod, and Moon begins to drive.

On the way there, I couldn't help but feel like they weren't telling me everything. 

The way they acted whenever I mention the red eyes, or anything semi-related to it was just off-putting.

"You guys aren't keeping information from me... right?"

Moon doesn't answer, but Sun turns around in his seat, he has a nervous smile on.

"Of course not Sunbite! We would never!"

I sigh, and go back to looking out the window. I wanted to believe him, truly I did. But something just wasn't sitting right with me.

(whoa, two parts in one day!?)

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