The Sun

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I waited for a moment before the head of the Sun animatronic peeked out the door, he looked down and spotted me, a look of confusion and then excitement crossed his face. He opened the door fully, It had been forever since I had seen the daycare, since I had seen him. He stood at 7'5 feet, and I still felt like a small child in his presence.


He scooped me up effortlessly, and carried me into the daycare, cradling me like a child. I could hear the gears turning in his chest, a sound I haven't heard in years.

The daycare didn't get any duller, and neither did Sun's personality.

He placed me on the security desk, I looked past him, the daycare was practically empty, except for one or two kids.

"Y/N! I haven't seen you in forever! What brings you here?"

I smiled, feeling like a child, unable to contain my excitement, "I'm the new daycare manager, I'm going to be here from opening to closing!"

His curious expression changing quickly into a huge smile, he picked me up and spun me around, "This is wonderful Y/N! I can't wait to spend more time with you! Me and Moon have missed you sooooo much since you left! We've been oh so worried, but we're so happy you're ok!"

He hugs me tightly, and I laugh, I almost forgot about his love for bear hugs, it seemed like forever ago that I felt the warmth of his body, something that I can't quite describe, its calming, reassuring, peaceful, and makes me want to sleep. I feel safe around him.

Just then I realize, I haven't eaten, and I barely got any sleep, if he scans me, he'll find out, the last time I saw him and was in this situation, I got an earful from him and Moon combined.

I put on a smile, hoping he wouldn't pick up on anything, at least not yet. I don't need to hear his long lecture on how I should take better care of myself.

He sets me down, and points behind me, "You should clock in, don't want you getting in trouble on your first day!"

I smile, and head over to the little Freddy shaped check-in station behind the security desk, I swipe the card I had been given, on a screen it displayed my name, and the time I clocked in, I click confirm, and go to set my stuff on the security desk.

Sun was already off playing with one of the kids, the other was watching from the play structure, she looked rather anxious. I sympathized with the small girl, I used to be this way, Sun and Moon slowly pulled me out of my shell, and helped me learn how to socialize and make friends. They watched me grow up, I visited the daycare every day, I arrived when it opened, and left when it closed, sometimes I had to stay past closing hours, I even stayed the night a few times. My mom and dad were going through a tough divorce, and my mom was working days and nights at the Pizzaplex, Sun and Moon knew her personally, and were more than happy to lend a helping hand in childcare, sometimes me and my mom both spent the night at the daycare together, I barely ever saw her, but she was trying her best, and Sun and Moon were there to help. I remembered how we all cheered when my dad was found guilty of owning a gun illegally, child abuse, domestic abuse, and rape of two accounts. He was sentenced to life, due to what he had done to me and my mother. 

I smile, thinking of that memory always made me nostalgic. 

I sat down in the swivel seat, and spun around, not sure what to do. I pull out the schedule and notes, skimming over what we were going to do today.

After a few minutes of reading, I put down the papers, and walked over to Sun, "Hey, do you want me to document what child comes in, and who the parent is?" I asked.

Sun/Moon x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now