Lover shit, I dunno man.

294 10 13

(Just a warning, this part is suggestive, heavily so. I kinda just ran out of ideas sooooooooooooo I present this)

(Also swearing, lots of it.)

When I woke, I suddenly remembered I was naked.

I look around and realize that I was sandwiched between Sun and Moon. Both were holding onto me.

Sun's hands rested on my breasts, and Moon's hands rested on my ass.

I could feel the blush creeping across my face. Neither of them were awake, and in all honesty, their resting faces were kinda cute.

"U-um Sun? Moon?"

No response. Just an "mh..." from Sun as he pulled me closer, tightening his grip. This resulted in Moon pulling himself closer to me, also tightening his grip.

I reach over and gently pat Moon's face.

"Moon, Moon wake up. If you don't wake up you're bald." (reference, if yk yk)

He opens his eyes and looks at me.

"I'm not bald."

And then he just goes right back to sleep.

"Moon. Moon get up."

He groans.


"Because I'm awake and don't want to be sandwiched between you two. Sun is literally groping my tits."

He opens his eyes.

"No fair."

I roll my eyes.

"Can you just let me up? I'm cold and want to get dressed."

He pulls the blanket over me and moves closer, gripping my behind tightly.

"You complain about Sun getting my tits, is my ass not enough? Your claws are literally digging into me."

"No. It's not enough."

I sigh, "Deal with it."

I then try to get up, but Sun pulls me down, and does the big spoon-little spoon position with me.

"wh- Sun!"


He pulls me closer, his hands still on my chest. Moon sits up and stares at Sun.

"How come you get her tits?"

"Because I can."

"You don't own them."

"I do for the moment."

"I want a turn."

"Too bad. You get her ass, I get her tits. end of story."

Moon grumbles something, and gets out of bed.

Now that Moon was out of the bed, or should I say beds, Sun had me all to himself. he pulled me very close, and his left hand moved from one of my breasts to a lower area... and he just let it rest there.

"Oh. My god Sun. I didn't know you were like this."

Moon turns and swipes Sun's hand off of me.

"No. Mine."

He then picked me up, gripping my behind.

"I- Excuse me?"

"I am nobody's thank you very mu-"

Moon places a finger over my mouth


I roll my eyes but remain quiet.

"We closed the daycare for the day, now we can have you alllllll to ourselves~"

Moon tosses me onto the conjoined beds, and throws some clothes at my face.


I get dressed, he had given me a frilly white crop top with some oversized pastel green cargo pants, and a black belt with stars hanging off it.

Moon grabs some clothes and leaves the room for a moment, when he comes back he was wearing a black hoodie, some beat up white sneakers, and baggy jeans. He throws some clothes onto Sun's face, and instructs him to go get dressed.

Sun groans audibly but gets up nonetheless.

When Sun comes out, he was wearing a white t-shirt that had a few paint stains on it, so tight but not skinny jeans, a blue jacket that was clearly moons as it was a size too big for him, and some new white sneakers.

Overall the two looked completely opposite.

I suddenly get an idea.

"Oh. My god. Please, let me do you guyses makeup, I have the perfect idea for both of you."

Sun immediately look elated at the idea, Moon... not so much.

I motion for sun to sit in front of me, and Moon tosses me my purse.

"Thank you Moon."

I say as I search for my eyeliner.

I proceed to use a small amount of blush, and some eyeliner to make his sea blue eyes truly pop.

When I was done, I handed him my pocket mirror, and he thought it was wonderful.

"Alright Moon, your turn."

He crosses his arms, and doesn't move.

"I will only let you do this on one condition."

I sigh, "And that condition is?"

"I get to do your hair."

Without even thinking I agree.


Moon proceeds to put my hair into a very nice french braid, and I proceed in giving him what could be described as emo makeup.

Finally we were ready to leave.

(So sorry if this part didn't make sense, I'm running out of ideas y'all. If you have something you want to see in the future, I'll be putting my discord info in the part just a little farther down.)

(And, genuine question, would you all like to know the word count at the end of each part?)

Dm me if you guys have suggestions or requests for stuff that you don't want to put in the comments

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Dm me if you guys have suggestions or requests for stuff that you don't want to put in the comments.

And shoutout to Cybertron2005! Only person to comment on the last part. I know you guys saw what I said. I know it.

Sun/Moon x Y/NOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora