12: Merliah

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I stir from my sleep, slowly being roused by the tantalizing aroma of delicious food wafting through the air. As I open my eyes, I find a tray of mouthwatering delicacies placed on my nightstand. Kai sits beside me, his lap serving as a makeshift table as he indulges in the feast before him.

The sight of the delectable spread immediately piques my interest, and my stomach growls in response. I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and cast a curious gaze at Kai. He looks up from his meal, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"Morning," he says with a mouthful of food, his voice muffled but filled with amusement. "Thought you might be hungry."

I can't help but feel a mixture of surprise and gratitude at the thoughtful gesture. The voices in my head momentarily fade into the background as the aroma and sight of the food entice my senses.

"What's all this?" I ask, my voice still laced with traces of sleep.

Kai swallows his mouthful and gestures to the tray. "Breakfast, or what passes for it in this place," he replies. "I found a small diner nearby and managed to grab some grub."

A wave of appreciation washes over me as I take in the array of dishes before me. Eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, and warm pastries beckon invitingly. It's a simple meal, but the effort behind it speaks volumes.

"Thank you, Kai," I say sincerely, my eyes meeting his. "That's really kind of you."

He shrugs casually, a faint blush tinting his cheeks. "Well, it's not like we have room service in this joint," he quips, his smirk betraying a hint of playfulness.

I chuckle softly, the tension in the air dissipating as I reach for a plate and begin to serve myself. As I savor the flavors, I feel a sense of normalcy settle over us, if only for a moment. The taste of the food, combined with Kai's company, brings a fleeting sense of comfort amidst all the terrible things I know about this man.

We eat in companionable silence, the occasional sound of cutlery against plates filling the air. It's a simple breakfast, but in that moment, it feels like a feast. The voices in my head fade into the background, replaced by the sounds of our shared meal and the warmth of gratitude in my heart.

As we finish our breakfast, I can't help but feel a renewed sense of camaraderie between us. Despite the challenges we face and the battles we fight, there are moments of respite, moments when we can find solace in each other's presence.

I quickly make my way to the bathroom, carrying the bag of clothes in my hand. Excitement pulses through me as I anticipate getting dressed for the day ahead. Opening the bag, I retrieve a pair of short denim shorts and my trusty Converse sneakers.

Slipping out of my pajamas, I step into the denim shorts, their fabric hugging my hips comfortably. I fasten the button and zip up, adjusting them to sit just right. They're perfect for the warm weather outside, allowing me to move freely and enjoy the day's adventures.

Next, I reach for my Converse sneakers, their familiar shape and worn-in feel bringing a sense of comfort and familiarity. I slide my feet into them, tying the laces snugly.

I rummage through the bag that Kai had prepared for me, hoping to find a suitable shirt to wear. However, to my dismay, I discover that he had forgotten to pack any shirts for me. Frustration bubbles up inside me, mixed with a tinge of amusement at Kai's oversight.

"Seriously, Kai?" I mutter under my breath, shaking my head.

I glance around the room, searching for a solution. Then my eyes fall upon Kai's side of the bed, where his discarded denim jacket lies. A mischievous smile creeps onto my face as an idea takes hold.

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