7: Merliah

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Suddenly, Liv's chanting comes to a halt, her face contorted with bewilderment, as the forest around us falls into a deafening silence. "I don't... I can't finish the spell. I'm sorry, Merliah," she stammers, her voice filled with genuine regret. I frown at her, then cast a suspicious glance at Kai, wondering if this is yet another one of his selfish mind games. But as I lock eyes with him, I can see the irritation etched on his face, his jaw ticking with frustration. It becomes clear that this unexpected turn of events is beyond his control.

"You were just performing the spell. KEEP. GOING," Kai's voice drips with bitterness and irrationality, his face contorting into a cold grimace. He seems desperate for Liv to continue, his frustration mounting with each passing moment.

"Merliah" liv hisses. "are you insane? There is no way I'm taking Kai Parker back to our world. I have no doubts that the first thing he'll do is kill my Coven" she cries

"Well, duh," Kai chuckles, a bitter edge to his tone. "You guys left me in solitary confinement for 18 years. What did you think? That I would just let you go without consequence?" His laughter carries a mix of resentment and vindictiveness, highlighting his lingering bitterness from his long imprisonment.

"You aren't going to touch the Gemini coven, Kai," I say firmly, my voice filled with determination. "Liv and I bringing you back to the real world should make us even with them. But let me make one thing clear: If you try anything, we won't hesitate to kill you."

Kai lets out a sigh, a twisted smirk playing on his lips. He takes a few steps closer to me, his presence intimidating. He reaches out and grabs my chin, forcefully tilting my head up to meet his gaze. The height difference between us becomes apparent.

"Oh, Merliah, your threats are absolutely adorable," Kai chortles, his fingers tracing the side of his palm down my cheek. I grit my teeth, fighting back the discomfort and the unease that his touch brings. I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

"As if you could kill me," he smirks, his confidence oozing from every word. The arrogance in his tone sends a shiver down my spine, but I refuse to let him see my fear.

"Maybe I can't kill you, Kai, but you're forgetting something," I respond firmly, refusing to back down. "I have a whole group of vampires waiting for me back home, and they would be more than happy to help me end you once and for all. Don't underestimate the power of numbers."

Kai lets out a dramatic sigh, shaking his head as if my words are simply inconsequential. "I was stuck here for years because of the Gemini coven, Merliah. Do you honestly think that just taking me back with you will make us completely even? In what world does that make sense?" he retorts with a mix of frustration and disdain.

I maintain my composure, meeting his gaze without flinching. "Maybe it doesn't make sense in your twisted world, Kai, but it's the best chance we have to ensure the safety of everyone involved. We can find a way to deal with our past conflicts, but it won't be through more violence and bloodshed. There has to be another way."

"Also, let's not forget that you killed four members of the coven," I glare at him, my anger simmering. "You're lucky that we're even considering taking you back with us. But don't mistake our mercy for weakness. If you try anything, if you harm anyone else, there won't be a second chance. We will end you, Kai."

Kai looks at me for a moment, visibly pondering something in amusement, His expression wavers for a moment, a mix of defiance and uncertainty, before he regains his composure. , before crouching down to the floor, and picking up the ascendant in the Place Liv had dropped it seconds ago my body stiffens as my eyes flash to liv, who held the same look of worry on her face that I did.

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