My Brother is a Werewolf::Chapter 11

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"So he's a werewolf?" My mind is running with the load of information that Stiles just told me.

He nods running a hand through his buzz cut, nervously.

"'s that even possible?" My voice lowers down to a whisper.

It's too much to handle.

My brother is a werewolf, I'm something called a scare woman...and all these things are supernatural.

What the heck is my life?

"So today's the full moon, and Scott's with Allison, and he might shift so we have to keep an eye out for him," Stiles says determinedly.

Surprised at his full proof plan, I shake my head in disbelief.

"I never though thought I would be keeping an eye out for my werewolf brother," I sigh, disbelief still in me.

Stiles chuckles sarcastically and nods in agreement.

"Me neither,"

The room grows quiet and I awkwardly look around the familiar room.

I've been in Stiles's room a thousand times when I was little, but right jow, in this moment being in his room gives me butterflies.

What the heck? Bri you cant...he's your best can't like your best friend...

A nervous cough erupts the silence into a million shards of glass.

"Yes?" I look at Stiles confusedly as he stares back, blushing slightly.

"Do you have a ride?" He asks, stuttering and tripping over his own words.

My heart jumps to my throat and I brush back my hair and smile nervously.

" I dont," my voice shakes but inside my heart sings with joy and anticipation.

"Well - I mean do- can we?" Rubbing his eyes he looks down and away from my face. he asking me to the party?

The heat in the room grows as he waits breathing heavily for my answer.

"Um..yeah, I mean we have to keep an eye out for Scott right?"

I mentally slap myself in the face.

Why'd you say that?

Because he can't know that I'm starting to like him.

My mind argues with itself, as Stiles looks up with a strained smile, that I can't quite put my finger on.

"Yeah...let's go," he's voice trues to hide his dissapointment but he walks out the bedroom door, silently making me follow.

What was that about? Why is he upset? Does he like me?

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