Attack on Titan: The Cost of Freedom

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Attack on titan season 5: the final season finale part 1 and 2 part aB: "The attack on titan movie"- finale special- chapter 2b: Part 2 finale parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: (yes the title is a joke lol)


The flying boat soared over the founding titan as the scouts deployed for their last mission. Cold morning air attacked their faces with hundreds of tiny stings and the speed of the wind fighting their descent forced tears to fly from their eyes. Diving towards the towers of bone beneath them they activated their ODM gear, launching them forward. Reiner activated several bursts one after the other to hurl him towards the crystalline beast titan. A yellow ball of energy erupted around him when he transformed and he let out a thunderous roar. He hit his target dead on and sent them both flying with extreme speed and momentum. Levi and Mikasa dove from the sky and landed on Eren's back, perched upon Pieck's cart titan. Both anxiously look at Reiner falling towards the massive bone ground below. After a few rolls Reiner stood up only to find the titan he had tackled was gone. Steam surrounded him and the body of the beast titan dissipated.
"You really thought it would be that easy?" A voice boomed from within Reiners mind and was heard by everyone else around him, confirmed by the frightened eyes of his new comrades.
"This is where the fun begins", said Eren, a slight chuckle slipped from his mouth.

The sky exploded with golden beams of lightning and shockwaves shook the ground. Five tongues of yellow fire sprung out from the founding titans tallest spike and white beings began to form. Eren used the war hammer titan's power to summon five titans from deep in the world's past. A colossal titan caused the earth to shake as it hit the ground near where Armin had landed. The war hammer titan leapt onto Reiner and a spear materialized in its hand. A cart titan from hundreds of years ago charged through a yellow wall of smoke and took the form of a rhino. This titan was equipped with a medieval cannon positioned on its back. A female titan, significantly smaller than Annie's, jumped from the skeletons peak and caught her fall in a roll. Her black hair waved in the wind and her eyes, though cold and crystal white, had an air of confidence that pierced through the chaos of battle. Huge white jaws sprawled out of the smoke and launched at Pieck. Her titan, slow compared to the rest, had no time to react. Pulling away and preparing for a serious wound, she let out a gasp of surprise. The massive teeth of this six legged spider like jaw titan snapped closed around Pieck's leg with crushing power, severing it from her body with a spurt of dark red blood. Steam poured out of her wound, cloaking the jaw titan's hairy wolf head in a cloud of white. Seconds later the smoke cleared and revealed the titan, lying on the ground in front of her. A small figure stood on top of its head with a sword buried deep into its neck. Levi flew in to join the fight, but it was already over.
"Looks like I'm finally faster than you, captain." Mikasa smirked, pulling her sword from the titans' nape.
"That was some serious speed" He replied, "But hey, maybe it's finally time for me to leave the heavy lifting to you kids"
"Thanks for the save, that was close." The cart titan said with a sigh of relief. "Compared to the rest my titan is slow, that would have been the end for me if you guys weren't here. The cart titan isn't meant for battle, this will most likely be my last. That being said," She paused for a second, "I may still be useful. I have an idea for how we can kill Zeke."
"Reiner!" The voice rang out again. "You had the right idea attacking the beast like that, but you lack the understanding to accomplish your goal. And even if you did separate Zeke and I, you wouldn't like my plan b" Eren's voice echoed in their minds once again.
Suddenly, another beam of light appeared where the beast titan had previously been attached to Eren's spine. Within seconds, a second beast was formed and took aim at the flying boat in the distance. Crushing a crystal in his hand he hurled a volley at the boat, striking its body, wing, and propeller. Dozens of eyes tracked the ship as it made its descent and silence fell over the battlefield. The plane nose dived to the ground and exploded. The first life had been taken just moments into the fight. The brave Onyankopon went down with his ship after courageously delivering the angels to their final battle with the demons of this world.
"I need a second to think and Pieck needs time to heal. Mikasa, you go help the others." Levi ordered. "There are at least 4 more titans on the field."
"But we can't let the beast have free reign, we don't stand a chance against his long range attacks!"
"Don't worry about him, he's mine." his eyes glowed with a mix of a dozen emotions, "And besides, we have this bone pillar as cover for the time being. Now go help the others, that's an order!"
Mikasa leapt off the back of the now dissipating titan and launched herself forward with a burst of air.
"She's right though, that bearded bastard is gonna be hard to take out from here. What would you do, Erwin?" Levi thought "And why does a cocky brat like Eren need a plan b?"
An eerily peaceful silence surrounded Mikasa as she neared the edge of the founder's massive skeleton. The booming footsteps of Eren's march had ceased.
"Wait, did he stop moving?" she questioned.
She looked over the edge and surveyed the war that had ensued below her. The titans from within the walls had formed a circle around them, creating the battlefield for their final fight. To her surprise, Eren's lack of movement had positioned him at the back of this titan circle and the battle had moved to the ground beneath them. He stood motionless, viewing the war from above as his army of titans attacked. From this vantage point she saw Armin, who she didn't even notice had transformed, charging the colossal titan formed by Eren.
"A fair fight." She thought, "He's got this."
Her eyes shifted to the rhino titan who was currently being harassed by two small figures, Jean and Connie she concluded. They looked like they were both attached to the giant titan's front horn with their ODM gear grapples and flying above it's head, moving in for the kill.
"They should be able to make quick work of the cart titan," She thought, "It doesn't seem to be particularly suited for a battle like thi-"
A massive bang erupted from the cart titan and a plume of smoke exploded around it. Her eyes darted over to Armin who now had a gaping hole in the center of his chest. The recoil of the cannon firing sent the rhino sliding back and flung Connie and Jean off and towards the ground. Jean caught himself and slid to a stop but Connie fell hard, taking the blunt of the impact on his shoulder.
"You good bro?" Connie shouted.
"I'm fine! But I'm not the one who landed like an idiot, are you ok?" Jean yelled back through a smile.
"I'm good dude, but Armin took that cannon ball straight to the chest. That shouldn't be a fatal wound, right?" Worry cracked in his voice.
"No, he should be fine if he can recover his footing. We gotta make sure that cannon doesn't fire again. I'll fly over to his back and blow up the cannon with my thunder spear, you head over to his face and distract him. We have to keep his attention away from the rest of the team."
They share a quick glance and nod. "Go!" Screams Connie
Armin stumbles back a few steps and takes an uppercut to the chin from the opposing colossal titan. Now on his back on the ground, he prepares for a second attack by putting his hands in front of his face. The crystal colossal's foot comes speeding down towards Armin's face but he sends him flying with a kick to the stomach. The kick sends him stumbling back and buys the organic titan a few seconds to get back on his feet.
"That cannonball may have given my opponent an opening, but it's not a fatal wound. I should be good." Armin says to himself "I need to win this fight so I can go help the others."
Both standing with their fists in a battle ready position, round two begins. Armin opens with a sprinting shoulder tackle and is greeted with a flying knee to the stomach. A fist slams into Armins head, stunning him for a moment. He counters with one punch to the enemy titans jaw and a swift but powerful shove to the chest. Now with some space between them, Armin looks back towards the rhino titan. He sees Connie dangling from the titans head and swinging back and forth between his eyes and Jean mounted atop the cannon waving at him.
"What kind of ugly looking horse even are you?! Connie screams at his opponent who he knows most likely doesn't understand him.
Jean, Connie, and Armin share a glance. Words weren't exchanged but the plan was understood. Armin grabs his opponent by the shoulders, pivots his foot, and swings him around switching places with him. Now facing towards Jean and Connie, Armin holds the white colossal titan in place with both hands on his shoulders. Ensuring he stays still, he braces for impact.
BANG! A cannon ball flies across the horizon and strikes the titan straight through the nape. The titan now hung limp in his hands. Armin releases his grip and sends the titan falling towards the ground. The impact causes smoke to shoot up into the sky around him, just Armin's victorious skyward fist peeking out from the top. Signaling sucess to Jean and Connie.
"Bullseye!" Shouts Jean, eyes glowing from behind the massive smoking barrel.
"Nice shot!" Yells Connie from below
"Well done guys, they don't stand a chance against the scouts!" Armin thinks to himself, "Don't get too excited, the battle isn't over yet" His thoughts now in a calm, calculated tone.
He looks over at where a lightning bolt had landed earlier and sees Mikasa standing over the dissolving body of the female titan.
"Battle assessment!" Armin said out loud from within his titan "Jaw, Colossal, and female titans are all down. What should I do next? Connie and Jean can take the new cart titan, they don't need me. Levi is still on top of Eren with Pieck, they must be planning an attack on Zeke. Do I try to stop Eren? No way, we can't attack him directly, we have to stop him by separating him from Zeke. And besides, he doesn't seem to be a threat right now at least in terms of combat."
He pauses for a second before his eyes widen.
"Wait, where is Reiner?"
His eyes dart to two figures standing in the distance behind the cart titan. The war hammer, now wielding a crossbow, fires an arrow into Reiners face joining several other arrows inserted deep into his armor. Blood spills out from cracks in his chest and legs and stains the sand red. Reiner limps forward, dragging his left leg behind him. Blood pools beneath him from a deep slice on his knee and his left arm lie severed on the ground behind him. The war hammer tosses it's crossbow aside and summons a shield and spear. Shield in its left and spear in its right, it charges forward to eliminate its foe.
A massive shadow covers the battlefield and a cry slices through the tense air like a knife through butter. Falco soars through the sky screeching a new found battle cry. Transforming into the jaw titan after digesting Zeke's spinal fluid created a half beast half jaw titan that takes the form of a massive feathery eagle. Lightning parts the clouds above Falco and strikes his back resulting in a yellow surge of light and a humanoid figure standing atop him hidden by smoke. Annie leaps out of the sky hurling a surgically placed heel to the warhammer's skull, knocking him to the ground. She takes a few steps back, eager to defeat her opponent, but cautious of its abilities. The war hammer slowly rises and prepares to duel the armored and female titan. Shield and spear still in hand he waits for his opponents to attack first. Annie wastes no time and charges, ducking a spear thrust with a slide, and taking the war hammer out at the legs. Reiner dashes in from behind and wraps his remaining arm and both legs around him, setting Annie up for the killing blow.
"Damn it! I can't take time to think I just have to fight." Levi curses under his breath.
"If I find a way to separate Eren and Zeke I can give Armin a chance to come up with a plan to end this. You guys trusted him"
He looks up at the sky.
"I should too."
"You're thinking about your fallen comrades aren't you?" Pieck says looking at him inquisitively. Now in human form, she stands on top of her titan opening the big leather case strapped to its back. He doesn't respond.
"Funny, I am too. War tends to make you think about those who have been important in your life. It is unfortunate that most of those people are in my past."
She looks down
"Do you think they are watching?"
"You talk too much." He snaps before sighing.
"But if they are, it's time to give them a show. What's your plan?"

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