The Day The World Starts To Turn

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Rehab center

Jasmine, Leslie, and Gia Bennett were waiting outside the rehab center for Rue, and when they finally saw her, both Jasmine and Gia ran to her.

"I missed you!" Gia exclaimed.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in years!" Jasmine said.

"So what have you guys been up to?" Rue asked when they entered the car.

"Just helping around the house." Jasmine said.

"Yes, and Jaz had a boy over two nights ago." Gia said.

"Shut up!" Jasmine shouted.

Leslie laughed. "I still don't know his name, but please tell me that you're being safe?" She asked her oldest daughter.

"Oh my God, mom! We're not having sex. There. Is everyone happy?" Jasmine asked.

"I am." Gia said, and Jasmine bumped her shoulder.

"Are you still going to see your man later?" Leslie asked.

"No. I actually canceled since Rue just got back." Jasmine said.

Rue narration

"So thanks to me overdosing, my sister missed a bunch of classes and had to go to summer school. That's when she met him. Dominick Jacobs or Dj. He was working in his father's company. Unfortunately, hard labor isn't for everyone, but Dj enjoyed it, and it also made him understand that sometimes you have to start from the bottom to get to the top. He drove her home onr day and then the next and in a month he asked her out. They've been together ever since, but Jaz wanted to keep it a secret thanks to my selfish ass."

"You should go see him." Rue said. "I'm back, and you can see me tomorrow and the day after that."

"Are you sure?" Jasmine asked.

"Of course. Be with your man." Rue said. The truth is Rue wanted to do more drugs, and if Jasmine was permitted to stay out late, perhaps she could as well.

Jacob's residence

Dj's room

Loud music was blasting as Dj was training on his punching bag and letting some frustration out on it. His workout was interrupted when the music stopped. He turned to see his youngest sister with an angry look on her face.

"You can either let it out on the bag or you just punch me." Dj said.

"You had no right to chase him away." Kelly spat.

"Maybe, but he put his hands on Nate." Dj argued.

"Nate started it for no reason!" Kelly spat

Dj sighed. Being the eldest was difficult, and there's no line that Dj wouldn't cross to protect his siblings.

"Look, I'm sorry for chasing your friend away, but I promise you that if you were the eldest, you would've done the same." Dj said. "I know that my apology means nothing to you, so how would you like to come with me and Nate to McKays end of summer party?" Dj asked.

Kelly smirked. "Since you're groveling, the least I can do is accept."

"Just promise me that you won't do anything...reckless?" Dj asked.

"I promise." Kelly said.

Rue narration

"Kelly Jacobs wasn't like her brothers. Sometimes, she was worse. She, Lexi, and I used to be friends, but we just grew apart. She's probably the biggest bitch in school, next to Maddy, but she's a good person...sometimes."

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