Meeting HER

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     Shoot shoot shoot! Saori-san is going to kill me if she finds out from Shana I've been showing up late! I can already imagine the harsh training Shana is going to be putting me through once I get there!

Name: Seiya
Age: 17
Likes: Going out and having fun
Dislikes: Shana's training techniques/punishments

Ever since I can remember I have been living with the Aizawa Family and Mrs. Saori had been the one to bring me in and became my guardian ever since. I was running late to my training as I had woken up late from studying long hours preparing for the next class assignment.

I can't believe that women! She's really making me get up and start training at 7 in the morning! I start running to lessen the time she'll spend nagging and yelling at me and take a sharp turn.

As I turn into the next hallway I quickly see a long haired girl blocking my way. SHOOT! Seconds later I end up on the ground, holding the girl's head inches away from touching the floor.

"Ow." Hearing the girl's voice I quickly got up and looked at who was just below me that I crashed into. Yua?

"I am so sorry, are you ok?" I ask while extending my hand for her to hold. She's finally here.

Almost instantly a feeling sweeps up inside me as I look at the girl I just bumped into. What's this I'm feeling?

"I'm okay" She answers, her voice sounding just like I remember.

"What about you?" Her eyes looking up at me curiously, she definitely doesn't know who I am. Surprising? No. Since I'm the only one who knows.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry I ran into you, I'm just excited to get to where I'm going." Can't say I'm running late in front of her. That will make me look negatively in her eyes.

"My name's Seiya, what's yours?" Please let me hear the name I want to hear.

"I'm Yua." It's really her... the one I've been waiting for.

"Well Yua, nice meeting you. I have to leave for practice since I'm late." Shana's gonna really kill me when she sees me now.

"Will I see you later though?" Please let her say yes.

"Maybe" I'll take it.

"Bye!" Now time to face the monster....and say goodbye to my life.

At least I finally got to see her in person though. Looks like the time has come, the one that the heads of the Aizawa family and the other families had mentioned would occur. The event that the elders had said would come once she entered the Aizawa household.

Looks like I'll have to mention this to the team soon, we have much to do to prepare ourselves. I can tell that Yua doesn't know what's happening and she's probably not going to be prepared for what's to be yet revealed to her.

Yua might even end up asking them to send her back to where she was. Unfortunately that won't be possible considering the situation she's in now. Looking at what she has hidden inside of her I can already tell how dangerous this mission will be for her and us, her protectors.

"You're late Mr. knight." The green-haired woman says. Looks like she sensed my presence. So much for trying to sneak in. As if that would work with her.

"Shana. She's here." I answer coldly. Despite not liking this woman she needs to know that Yua came back.

"I know. That's why we have much to work on today little one." She looks at me emotionless.

Crap, looks like I won't get to see Yua later today after all.

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