Poems - Two stories

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Title: Fruit of knowledge  

From the branches, ripe and sweet,
Reaches down the fruit to greet.

Unity of earth and sky,
Invoke in me a question why.
Tasting truth from tree above,
Offering a gift of love.
Flourish in this sacred space,
Knowledge blooms in every place.

Love to learn, to grow, to see,
Knowing what could truly be.

Enlightenment on branches high,
Desires old begin to die.


Title: The price of greed

In shadows deep where secrets lie, 
A tale of power and desire sly.
With greedy hearts that crave for more,

Corruption seeps through every core.

The path was paved with golden dreams,
Yet not all gold as brightly gleams.
For power held in hands too tight,
Leads to darkness, shunning light.

Ambition sparked a fiery blaze,
Consuming souls in its cruel maze.
The yearning for eternal wealth, 
Brought ruin to their moral health.

A thirst that never could be quenched, 
Each victory felt like an offense. 
Tangled in a web of deceit,
Their downfall swift, their pride defeat.

As time passed by like fleeting shade,
They learned the cost of power played.
For in the quest for dominance high,
They lost themselves and wondered why.

So, heed this warning tale so old,
Of greed's allure that turns hearts cold.
For power sought with selfish aim, 
Will only lead to sorrow and shame.
And in the end when all is done, 
The echo of their greed will run
Through history as a cautionary rhyme:
Beware the lure of power's crime.

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