🍵Coffee Break ☕

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Good morning!

Good evening!

Good night!

I don't know what time you are reading.

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In a world where opinions and judgments flowed freely, there was a girl who stood defiant against the tide

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In a world where opinions and judgments flowed freely, there was a girl who stood defiant against the tide. She did not care what everyone else said about her taste in books. "No one reads a book but those who read are beautiful in my eyes," she would boldly declare.

While others rushed to read the latest bestsellers or follow the popular trends in literature, she found solace in the pages of books that spoke to her soul. She delved into hidden gems and forgotten classics, relishing in the words that transported her to different worlds and sparked her imagination.

Her friends would scoff and roll their eyes at her eclectic collection of books, dismissing them as outdated or irrelevant. But the girl remained unfazed, standing firm in her belief that beauty could be found in any book, no matter how old or obscure.

As she immersed herself in her beloved books, she found a sense of peace and fulfillment that she could not find elsewhere. The characters became her friends, the stories her refuge, and the words her solace.

And as time passed, those around her began to see the magic in her unique perspective. They started to appreciate the beauty in the books she cherished, and some even found their own hidden treasures within the pages she held dear.

In the end, the girl's unwavering belief in the beauty of the books she read had not only enriched her own life but had also inspired those around her to see the world through a new lens. And as she continued on her literary journey, she knew that no matter what anyone else said, the books she read would always be beautiful in her eyes.

I don't care what everyone else says. You are beautiful in my eyes.

Society may have its own standards of beauty, but I see past that. To me, beauty is not defined by the color of your skin, the shape of your body, or the style of your clothes. True beauty comes from within, from the kindness in your heart, the strength in your spirit, and the warmth of your smile.

I have seen you at your best and at your worst, and through it all, you have always shone brightly like a diamond in the rough. Your flaws make you unique and your imperfections make you real. You may not fit into society's narrow definition of beauty, but in my eyes, you are more beautiful than any supermodel or celebrity.

I will always be here to remind you of your worth and to lift you up when the world tries to bring you down. Because to me, you are not just beautiful, you are breathtakingly radiant, inside and out. And I wouldn't change a single thing about you, because you are perfect just the way you are.

So don't listen to the naysayers or the haters. You are a masterpiece, a work of art, and I am lucky to have you in my life. You are beautiful in my eyes, and that's all that truly matters.


You will hear other singers from other countries throughout the stories I hope you will enjoy it.

Also, I will be update around May or June see you then.

Take care!

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