Fanfiction - Two stories

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Title:A New Sundown

From Naruto Series

After serving as Hokage of Konoha for many years, Naruto felt a restlessness in his soul. He knew that his time as leader of the village had come to an end, and it was time for him to embark on a new journey. His decision to leave puzzled many, especially his dear friend Sakura, who had stood by his side through countless battles and challenges.

 Sakura, his dear friend and fellow shinobi, was puzzled by his decision to leave. "Why are you leaving us behind, Naruto? We still have so much work to do, ensuring civilians and shinobi can coexist peacefully," Sakura questioned. How can you just walk away from that responsibility?"

Naruto smiled softly at Sakura, his blonde hair glinting in the sunlight. "I have to follow my own path now, Sakura. There is something calling to me, something I must discover on my own. I hope you can understand."

Sakura sighed, knowing that Naruto was the type of person who followed his heart, no matter where it led him. "I understand, Naruto. Just promise me that you will stay safe and return to us one day."

Naruto's gaze was determined as he replied, "I need to find the yokai that are making contracts with people and using them for their malevolent purposes before they bring more harm to innocent lives. Sakura, I am not just a shinobi but also someone who can see and deal with spirits."

Shikamaru, known for his strategic mind, interjected, "So you're telling us that you are now hunting spiritual beings, Naruto?" Naruto nodded, "Yes, but only the ones that pose a threat. I'm here to protect those who are being manipulated by these malevolent yokai and those who fall into their traps."

Surprisingly, Naruto revealed to his friends that his ability to see spirits stemmed from the Nine-Tails within him. This revelation left Sakura and the others in awe of the extent of Naruto's powers.

Sasuke, who had always been a complex figure, inquired, "How long will it take for you to come back and fight these yokai, Naruto?" Naruto's response was resolute, "As long as it takes. But rest assured, if Konoha ever faces trouble, I will return to protect our home."With a heavy heart, Naruto bid farewell to his friends, including Sakura and Shikamaru,

And so, Naruto bid farewell to his friends and set out on his journey. As he traveled through the forests and mountains, he felt a strange pull towards the unknown. It wasn't long before he encountered a powerful entity known as a yokai - a malevolent spirit that brought chaos and destruction wherever it went.

Naruto realized that he had been given a gift - the ability to see and sense yokai, something that very few people possessed. With this newfound power, he knew he had a duty to protect the innocent and confront these sinister beings head-on.

As Naruto journeyed deeper into the wilderness, he encountered an unlikely ally - the notorious shinobi Orochimaru. Despite their tumultuous past, Orochimaru had also seen the devastation caused by yokai and had decided to join forces with Naruto in order to combat this threat. As he set off on his new quest alongside the reformed Orochimaru, who sought redemption for his past sins by aiding Naruto in his mission to safeguard the people.

Together, Naruto and Orochimaru ventured into the heart of darkness, where they encountered other individuals who shared their vision of a world free from malevolent spirits and individuals with malicious intentions. Among them was a skilled ninja named Hana, who possessed the ability to wield powerful elemental jutsu, and a wise old sage named Tatsu, who had spent his life studying the ways of the yokai.  Who shared their vision of combating the yokai and individuals with malicious intentions. Through teamwork and fierce determination, they confronted the malevolent spirits and those who sought to harm innocents, forging a new path of protection and peace.

With their diverse skills and fierce determination, the group formed a formidable team, ready to take on any challenge that came their way. They traveled from village to village, confronting yokai and those who sought to harm innocents with their dark jutsu.

Meanwhile, back in Konoha, Sakura, Shikamaru, and the rest of the village continued to work towards Naruto's vision of a world where both shinobi and civilians could thrive in harmony. And so, Naruto's departure marked not an end, but a new beginning for him and his comrades, as they courageously faced the challenges that lay ahead, united in their mission to protect the community from darkness and chaos.

Through their teamwork and unwavering resolve, Naruto and his allies were able to vanquish the malevolent spirits and bring peace to the land once more. They became known as the Yokai Hunters, a legendary group of warriors who protected the world from evil forces.

As time passed, Naruto realized that his journey had only just begun. The world was vast and filled with countless mysteries, and he knew that there would always be challenges to face and battles to win. But with his friends by his side and his heart set on a brighter future, Naruto was ready to embrace whatever lay ahead.

And so, Naruto continued on his path as a fearless shinobi, a visionary leader, and a true friend to those in need. The legacy of the Yokai Hunters lived on, a beacon of hope and inspiration to all who dared to dream of a better world. And Naruto, the legendary ninja who had once been Hokage of Konoha, now stood as a guardian of peace and protector of all who called the land their home.


These characters are not mine is from the creator.

Naruto doesn't have a family he is single this character is cool when it single. Some male or female protagonists don't add up when they have couples.


Title: Unraveling the Mysteries of a Nation

From Countryhumans comics

In the heart of a world where whispers of mystery and intrigue reached every corner, the birth of the enigmatic nation of Sabius sent shockwaves through neighboring lands. The sudden emergence of Sabius ignited a flurry of speculations and apprehensions, as the country remained veiled in secrecy, its true intentions masked under a cloak of mystery, and it was located in the Atlantic Ocean.

As Sabius delved into its own origins, a series of eerie paranormal events unfolded in the neighboring nations, hinting at a malevolent force lurking in the shadows. The unsettling occurrences hinted at a darkness spreading its tendrils across the lands, stirring fear and uncertainty among the populations.

Determined yet cautious, Sabius embarked on clandestine investigations to uncover the truth behind the sinister events plaguing the region. With each thread unraveled, the dark web of deceit and malevolence gradually revealed itself, leading Sabius to a startling realization – a common enemy loomed in the shadows, threatening the fragile peace of the world.As Sabius and the neighboring nations' secret organization joined forces to combat the encroaching darkness, a fierce battle ensued, pitting them against a formidable foe. Together, they fought valiantly, unearthing secrets buried deep within the annals of history, weaving together a tapestry of bravery and sacrifice in the face of adversity.

However, when the dust settled and victory was claimed, Sabius hesitated to reveal their triumph to the other countries. Despite the secret organization's insistence on sharing their efforts with the world, Sabius remained steadfast in their decision to keep their achievements hidden, not out of selfishness but out of a desire to maintain their independence and uphold their principles.

"I did not want to show others my achievements because others would not see my achievements," Sabius declared, his voice carrying a steely resolve. "Our actions were born out of a need to prove ourselves, not for others, not to seek validation from nations who may not welcome us. I am willing to lend aid once more, but this time, without the burden of recognition."

And so, Sabius continued to walk the path of shadows, a silent guardian watching over the world with unwavering dedication, their enigmatic nature only adding to the mystique that surrounded them. In a world teeming with secrets and uncertainties, Sabius stood as a beacon of mystery, a nation cloaked in shadows yet harboring a heart of unwavering courage and strength

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