A Bloody Heist

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Uraraka sat in the kitchen, it was still too early for her classmates to be arriving so Uraraka took the time to catch up on her schoolwork.

She had been too distracted during her work-study to do it. Now she had a stack of homework to get done in a few hours.

A knock sounded at the front door, Uraraka got up and walked over, opening the door she saw the poised figure of their homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa.

"Oh, Mr. Aizawa, this is a surprise," Uraraka said, trying to mask the nervousness in her voice. He knew she was the only one in the dorms.

Ignoring her greeting the teacher stepped inside the dorm and turned around to address Uraraka.

"I understand you were injured during your time at Gunheads agency." He said, waiting for Uraraka to confirm with a nod.

"However. You are still required to attend classes tomorrow. Being injured doesn't give you an excuse to slack off." Proving his point by nodding towards the pile of homework.

"You are expected at school tomorrow, if you don't show up it would be suspicious. We can't have other students think you're getting special treatment." Aizawa huffed.

"But sir.." Uraraka interrupted, much to her teacher's annoyance. "What about training? I get that being injured is not an excuse to miss out on classwork and assignments, but I have limited movement, especially with using my quirk." She explained.

Aizawa looked at her, his expression close to a scowl. "I don't want to hear it. It was your choice to volunteer for the position, you have to deal with the consequences."

And with that Aizawa walked away, leaving an exasperated Uraraka standing In the doorway.


An hour later Uraraka was still slaving over her homework when the front door was opened, the first of her classmates arriving.

Light chatter was heard from down the hallway, Uraraka recognized the voices of Todoroki, Bakugo, and Jiro.

Instead of going up to greet them, she sat at the table, engaged in her work. If they wanted to chat they could come to her. She wasn't really in a talking mood after her conversation with Aizawa.

She was just finishing up one of the last papers when the three students rounded the corner.

Their chatter stopped as they saw Uraraka, who was glaring down at the last three pages of work she had to get done.

They had been expecting no one to be there yet, after all the dorms were locked until a few minutes ago, but there Uraraka was with a stack of homework that was done and a few papers left to do. Bakugo spoke first.

"What are you doing here already pink cheeks," Bakugo huffed, "the dorms only opened a minute ago."

Uraraka looked up from her work, Bakugo looked the same as he always did, always angry, but that was just his face.

"I was allowed back a day early to catch up on work, I got here yesterday." She explained, tilting her head towards the homework.

"What do you mean 'allowed' ? It was a family emergency wasn't it," Bakugo said with a scowl.

"Ah- I meant.. the school allowed me to be back a day early not.. my family," Uraraka replied, she had forgotten about the story she had fabricated to make up for her absence.

Jiro nodded, twirling the cord hanging from her ear around. "Makes sense, but why did you have to come back early? You could have stayed with your family a bit longer." She commented.

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