Blackmail and personal requests

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Uraraka splashed water on her face, it was noon and she was attempting to get rid of the bags beneath her eyes. It was a difficult night and Uraraka found herself unable to sleep. She decided to wander around and get something to eat or talk to the receptionist, who she had learned her name to be Mariko. She had been friendly and initiated a conversation earlier.

Uraraka got dressed and took the elevator down to the first floor, stopping by the cafe to grab a cup of tea. Uraraka waited until it was almost one in the afternoon, it was about a two hour drive to the bank. Uraraka stood up and disposed of her cup.

She made her way out of the doors to the cars that waited out front, Monoma was already being escorted to his car. Before the butlers realized she was out she moved to the front of her car, slamming the door to at least let them know they could leave as soon as possible.

Before long Uraraka and Monoma were on their way over to the bank. They had been given a briefing during the meeting but Uraraka procrastinated actually reading it and decided to just do what she was told to do.

Sooner than she had hoped; Uraraka's car stopped in front of a bank. It looked more lavish than she had anticipated, the whole building was only two stories high but the whole place was made out of some kind of reflective material.

She got out of the car quickly and walked to where she'd be meeting Monoma. He arrived shortly after she had.

"Well Uravity. I believe it's time to do hero work." He paused and then continued with a sly grin. "So don't get in my way." Uraraka came up with a retort but the boy had already walked away. In the wrong direction.

Uraraka gave a defeated sigh, and turned her attention towards the bank. It was white in color but had a golden trimming, it was far larger than she had anticipated.

It was a quiet day with most citizens at their daily jobs, the occasional person walked by her but other than that the only sound she could hear was traffic and her own thoughts.

She continued her walk around the bank, keeping an eye out in case of trouble. After a while Uraraka faced the building and rested her head on the smooth, cool surface it was made of and checked her phone.


Uraraka was inside of the bank, communicating with the current workers and their manager about some trivial things when the shrieking noise of the alarms blared throughout the bank, echoing off the walls.

The young Hero turned around towards the door in a panic, just in time to spot a blonde, messy bun rush its way out of the door.

On instinct Uraraka found herself chasing after the almost familiar figure, when the Villain went to turn into an alleyway Uraraka sucked in a breath.

Himiko Toga rounded the corner, despite her fear of the blonde, Uraraka smirked, she had gone down that path earlier, it was a dead end. But when she turned the corner no one was in sight.

Uraraka cautiously moved to the end of the alleyway in search of a place Toga may have escaped.

She felt a chill crawl down her spine, she turned back around just as Toga fell on top of her, a knife pointed at Uraraka's chest.

The gravity Hero activated her quirk to throw the Villain off of her. Quickly the young Hero used her quirk on herself, floating up to meet Toga.

"Well look who we have here," Toga said as she swung the knife she possessed towards Uraraka.

In turn Uraraka responded by using her quirk to shove Toga back with enough force that would knock any average person down for a decent amount of time.

Toga tried to get past the hero to escape with the money, only to be sent flying back a second time. Toga catches herself against a wall, since Urarakas quirk was still active she bounced harmlessly off of it, using the force to get close to the young hero.

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