Spilled Drinks

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Uraraka was startled awake by her alarm, she sat straight upward and struggled to find her phone to turn off the alarm before it woke her classmates. She finally found it and turned it off, and checked the time, it was 5:30 in the morning, she had to get ready to go to Gunheads agency.

Uraraka grabbed clean clothes and headed to the bathroom, making sure to walk quietly so as to not disturb her classmates. She turned on the shower and brushed her teeth, throwing her clothes in the laundry basket, and stepped into the shower.

Uraraka made her way to her room, the sky was just starting to brighten and dim light filtered through her balcony. Uraraka grabbed her backpack full of stuff and made sure she grabbed her hero costume, she hesitated before walking over to her desk and grabbing the money from the drawer. Then she walked out of her dorm. She would come up with an excuse if her classmates asked about her absences.

She made her way through the kitchen and out of the dormitories, and made the short trek to the campus where Gunhead was waiting. By the time she got there the sun was making its way over the mountain, only one car was inside the gate, it was fancy, far fancier than any car she had rode in before.

A man stood outside in a black and white suit, when he spotted Uraraka he walked over and grabbed her bag, placing it in the back seat.

He then ushered her to the car, and opened the door for her. Uraraka tried to decline the man's efforts but he insisted.

Eventually they drove out through the school gates and down the hill, it was a smooth ride and quiet, the driver nor the butler said a word. Uraraka got bored and decided to grab her earbuds and listen to music, as usual she turned it up as loud as it could.

Uraraka knew it would be a long drive, she had done research the night before and the agency was in the middle of the city. It would be a good 2-3 hour drive if there was little traffic, but it was a busy day with people driving into work early.

Uraraka spent most of the drive looking out the window, watching heroes patrol the city and civilians crossing streets and shoving past each other. Eventually Uraraka decided to just go to sleep, she closed her eyes and drifted off.


Toga sat restlessly at the bar next to  Shigaraki, they were going to rob the bank in just two days. The blonde couldn't help but feel the empty pit in her stomach.

With a loud screech Toga suddenly shoved herself back in the chair and stood up, earning questioning glances from her makeshift family.

"I'm going out for a bit." She muttered, "I'll be back soon."

With that Toga made her way out the door without waiting for an answer, the League knew to leave her alone when she went into a mood.

Toga checked her satchel to make sure she had her phone and anything else she would need. She may be upset but she wouldn't ignore her family if they were worried or in danger.

The sun was just starting to get to the midpoint in the sky, Toga admired the view while pulling a face mask on to hide her identity, she had to save the blood she acquired for the robbery.

She started walking down a freshly paved sidewalk, looking around at other old and abandoned buildings that looked much like their own run down bar.

She continued walking, the blonde villain soon stopped in front of a cafè. Toga wasn't the biggest fan of cafès but she had been to this one a fair amount.

She opened the door and was greeted with ringing from a small bell above the door.

It was still fairly early so the cafè was mostly empty, the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the small area.

A barista she was slightly familiar with greeted her at the counter.

"Hello ma'am, how may I help you today?" She queried, offering a kind smile.

"I'll have the.." she trailed off looking at the menu, " the Raspberry Pomegranate berry blast please." Toga decided.

The barista wrote down her order and got started on it while Toga sat at a nearby table.

Before long Toga was walking out of the cafè, drink in hand, she wanted to spend some time alone with her thoughts. It had been a stressful day after all, she thought to herself, taking a sip of her sweet drink..

She took a left turn and started walking to a nearby park. Between planning robbing a bank and a thirst for a certain brunette's blood, her cravings were coming on faster than usual.

She decided that the fresh air might help to calm her down, the small gusts of wind felt nice against her skin, bringing the straw of her drink to her mouth. She took another refreshing sip of her sugary drink and she felt relaxed.

That calm feeling was short lived however, something bumped into her, causing her drink to fall out of her hand.

The sticky liquid now coating both the ground and her clothes, she turned around to find who had both knocked her drink down and ruined her favorite outfit.

A middle aged man stood behind her, glaring at her as though she had ruined his day.

"Uhm, excuse me?" She snapped, "You knocked my drink out of my hand."

"So?" The man questioned.

"So? You can't just knock people's drinks out of their hands. That's rude." Toga said, trying to keep her composure, there were too many witnesses to get away with anything.

"Are you going to apologize or not?" Toga suggested, "The least you can do is say sorry, or pay for it." She added.

"It's just a drink little lady, it's not that deep." The man laughed.

"It's basic courtesy and common sense," Toga replied, quickly losing any composure she had.

The man shruged and started to walk away. The sun was just moving over the horizon, bathing everything in a golden glow.

The park was becoming more empty, the man was wandering to an even more secluded area. Suddenly the weight of her knives against her thigh became more noticeable, as did her craving for blood.

She followed him for a good twenty minutes, it was dark enough that any normal person would have trouble seeing, but with Tigas cat-like qualities she could see just fine.


Before long Toga walked back into the rundown bar, most of the league had gone to bed, but Twice was watching TV on the couch.

Twice spotted her as she made her way over to him, he was in the middle of a horror marathon.

"What happened to you?" He questioned, "You look like shit."

Toga scoffed and sat down next to him, her clothes sticky with both pomegranate juice and blood.

"Nothing to worry about. What are you watching?" She asked, changing the subject.

Twice went into details of the several movies he had already watched, Toga had zoned out not long after he started.

Within an hour Twice had fallen asleep. Toga used this time to go take a shower and change into more comfortable clothes.

She had on a large sweatshirt and some shorts underneath, her hair was wrapped up in a towel to dry it faster.

Twice while still fast asleep on the couch, she walked over to a nearby closet, grabbing a blanket out. She put it over Twice, his breathing falling up and down rhythmically.

Toga watched him for a moment, his quiet breathing only disturbed by the occasional snore. In a way he reminded her of Chiyoku...

Toga shook her head to clear away the traitorous memories. She couldn't think of her. Not anymore


Word Count: 1332

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