A Bloody Transaction

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Uraraka sat in the bed of her hotel room thinking about the events of the previous days. Her side was bandaged up with some gauze and she had been told to rest.

However she was still working at the Agency, instead of making her do the usual work routine of a hero like patrolling, he kept her busy with minuscule tasks like delivering paperwork.

She would do anything to try and forget the rendezvous with Toga later that night. Uraraka kept glancing at the clock. It wasn't too long before she met up with the blonde villain.

Uraraka's stomach lurched and she felt suddenly nauseated as she realized the situation she was really in. She had stolen from a dead man, Assisted in a robbery, and agreed to meet up with an infamous villain.

It seemed everything she tried to do in an attempt to escape trouble or expulsion just seemed to lead down a worse road than she was on before.

The risk went from expulsion, to possible prison time. From taking money to probably giving away vital information that could lead to a downfall of some heroes.

Without realizing it, she had dug herself in a deeper and deeper hole, only worsening her situation and making it harder to get out of it.

She held her head in her hands, an exasperated sigh escaping the exhausted brunette. She wanted to curl into a ball and let it all disappear, to escape the problem she had created.

It was easier said than done, time seemed to slow down, every minute feeling excruciatingly slow, yet too fast at the same time.

There was only a half hour before she had to leave and make her way to the address Toga had sent her.

If she continued to sulk, Uraraka would have sat in her bed for the rest of the night. She needed to get ready either way, so reluctantly she got up and made her way over to the bathroom.

She grabbed her hairbrush and ran it through her hair, making sure any stray hairs were out of the way. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, dark circles under her eyes revealing her exhaustion and inability to sleep.

Uraraka let out a soft sigh, turning the sink on, splashing cold water onto her face. The sting of cool water woke her up slightly as she continued to get ready, brushing her teeth and choosing an outfit.

By the time she was done she still had ten minutes, she wore a simple pair of leggings and her favorite pink sweater for the chill of the night air.

She couldn't wait any longer, her nerves getting the better of her. If she stopped to wait she would surely chicken out. Gathering her thoughts and feelings and shoving them down to keep her composure, and Uraraka walked out of her hotel room.

The ride to the first floor in the elevator seemed to take hours, but must have only been a minute. When the elevator let out the final ding and opened to the lobby, Uraraka finally let out the breath she had been holding.

Mariko, the receptionist, took notice of the opening elevator, seeing Uraraka as she walked over.

"Hey kid," Mariko greeted, drawing Uraraka's attention, "what are you doing up, it's an hour before midnight?" She questioned, motioning to the clock.

"Ah, I just have something I need to pick up," Uraraka replied quickly, "it won't take more than an hour." She assured the receptionist, hoping she wouldn't see through Uraraka's lie.

Mariko nodded in understanding, "Ah, Alright then, I won't keep you for too long," she replied, with a chuckle, only calling out a quick, "stay safe!" as Uraraka was exiting the building.

Uraraka left her phone in her room, only grabbing the burner phone Toga had given her to make sure she got the correct address. The building was only a couple blocks from the Agency and Uraraka got there quickly.

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