Learning the Plan

40 1 19


Uraraka sat at the desk in the room she was given at the agency. It was late. Far later than she would have normally been up till. Weak rays of blue-gray light filtered through the open blinds, the sun was rising, catching Uraraka's attention.

Tearing her eyes and body alike, away from the small piece of paper she had been staring at since it had been placed in her hand, Uraraka stood up, opening the blinds to let more light in. An array of colorful spots bloomed behind her eyelids, as the sunlight hit her eyes and bathed the room in a watery gray glow.

Spring break was almost over along with her visit to the agency. A handful of Heroes had been sent over to help out and were just starting to arrive. Gunhead had let Uraraka know she was getting sent home a day early so she could rest in her own bed before school started again.

She didn't bring much but Uraraka made sure she was packed, double checking to make sure she had everything. She even grabbed the free stuff the room offered like the small bottles of shampoo and conditioner. It came with the room so it was free wasnt it?

As for the money she had stuffed it in the back of her phone case, folding it neatly so as to not damage it.

Her phone buzzed and Uraraka looked at her screen confused as the phone screen she was holding stayed dark, before realizing it was her other phone. The one Toga had given her.

Himi: Thanks for the blood :}

That's kinda creepy.

Uraraka stared at the text, why would Toga thank her? Uraraka was basically blackmailed into it, though she did get paid and she admitted to herself it was a bonus. There was no need to be 'nice' about it or whatever that was.

Uraraka read the text once more before putting it back in her pocket, not bothering to reply because what would she even say?

'Oh you're completely welcome Toga! You can take my blood anytime as long as you give me money!' Not a chance, they had an agreement. There was no need for formality.

Uraraka stretched up with a groan, the stiff limbs in her body creaking in protest. She dug through her backpack until she found a breakfast bar, eating it in a few swift bites.

A knock echoed through the room, Uraraka stumbled up to open the door, a sidekick stood there with a stack of papers in her hands. She handed the papers to Uraraka without a word and walked away.

She placed the papers on the desk and willed herself to sit down and work on them instead of passing out in her bed.

Uraraka got the work done quickly albeit quite sloppy but she was too tired to care. She decided to just sleep until she went back to the school dorms tomorrow, or until she couldn't sleep anymore.



Toga fluttered her eyes open, the late morning light streaming through her broken blinds, revealing small floating specks of dust.

The villain's hideout seemed almost too quiet, no sounds of Dabi and Twice arguing over leftovers, no light banter or noise from the old static TV.

Curious, Toga got up and put on her usual outfit of a light beige sweater and a blue skirt. She moved town the creaky stairs, her footsteps the only sound she could hear. She gripped tighter around the knife she had grabbed off her dresser as she turned the corner.

The main room was empty, the silence making her wonder if everyone was in a meeting or out on some sort of mission. After all, it was the only reason it could be so quiet and she knew that.

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