Scary Movies

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Uraraka slumped against a nearby brick wall, clutching her side.

"Ow..damnit.." she mumbled to herself, using the wall to help her make her way to the bank, the gash in her side throbbing with pain.

Blood stained the padding, darkening the fabric around it, the cut wasn't deep but it hurt like hell.

She thought about the fight with Toga and what had happened afterwards. Was she really working with the League of Villains now? What would this mean for her career if she was found out?

She was also supposed to meet with Toga in only two days, which didn't exactly fill her with joy either.

Uraraka grimaced as she turned too fast, adding a twinge of pain to her already throbbing wound, she could hear police sirens making their way over to the bank.

As she got closer she could see the flashing lights of the police cars and hear the commotion of the scene.

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever came next, and made her way around the corner, the bank coming into sight.

There was a small circle of civilians she had to push through to get to the bank entrance.

"Excuse me.." the bleeding brunette murmured to a lady she was trying to move past. The woman turned around to be greeted by a bloody mess. The civilian let out a small shout of surprise, drawing a few people's attention.

Before long the whole crowd was yelling for medical assistance, finally alerting the attention of the police to her presence.

The police made their way over to give any assistance they could to the injured student, they brought her over to the bank and sat her in a chair away from the gaze of citizens.

An officer who had the characteristics of a dog started asking her simple questions.

"Do you know what your name is?" He quizzed "Do you know who you are and why you are here?" He asked before she answered the first question.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka, I'm in my second year of highschool. I attended U.As hero academia, I'm here in aid of Gunheads agency." She snapped, losing the rest of her patience.

The officer looked taken aback but cleared his throat.

"Very well ma'am," He said, turning to the other officers. "she knows who she is, she doesn't seem to be in critical condition. Escort her to the nearest hospital." He ordered.

Two police officers stepped forward to help her get up, Uraraka let out a frustrated sigh, and pushed them away. She grabbed the side of the chair, wincing as she stood up.

Despite her complaints, the two officers placed a supportive hand on her shoulder. Uraraka lost her footing on an uneven patch of ground, the officers were quick to steady her.

The bloody brunette scowled in embarrassment at being treated like a child. Before long an ambulance parked in front of them, Uraraka pushed off the two officers and walked into the back of the vehicle, sitting on the patient bed.

On the ride to the hospital a nurse took her blood pressure and checked her temperature and whatever else they did.

She gave them her blood type and her history of medication and anything else important.

Uraraka was sitting in the bed she had been brought to. The doctor had examined her and let her know she would be released before the next day.

An hour later the chief of Police stopped by to question her. She tried her best to be vague without being suspicious so as to not incriminate the League.

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