"I'm not forcing you to change," Adrien said.

"I never said that. I used to be joyful years ago but then Cerise came, twisted everything up to have everyone go against me and I lost sense of who I was. Even Chloe bullied me a lot. No one did anything and I gave up on my girly side and became this. Grief and anxiety made me forget what happiness feels like again" Marinette explained why she feels afraid to open up because her former self was scared.

"I understand," Adrien said.

"But sometimes black can be a depressing color. It's what made me like black and forget pink" Marinette said.

"Pink can always mean love and joy," Adrien said, knowing his color roses.

"Can't say the same about red" Marinette pointed out.

"Marinette, you're not alone anymore. The whole school sees you're innocent. As long as they have loyalty to you, they will learn that you're nothing like that selfish brat who thinks of her pride and reputation. I did see you care more about saving them from being manipulated by Cerise for too long before they would have self-loathed themselves" Adrien said.

"Yes. But for now, their naiveness is haunting them" Marinette said.

"Give them time to process themselves," Adrien said.

"Of course" Marinette sat down on her couch.

"Everyone makes mistakes, Marinette. Even you and me. Believe me, when Chloe picks on you like that, it's like she has no respect for your flaws. Flaws make us human. Without flaws, we are nothing" Adrien said.

"Since when did you get wise?" Marinette asked.

"Long time experience, that's all" Adrien replied.

"Heh, more like your maturity and morality grew up too fast for you at a young age" Marinette chuckled at how his mentality made him feel like he was a grown adult.

"Pretty much," Adrien said.

"You somehow are a bit like Felix. He was never fooled by Cerise nor did he like Chloe's foolishness. Sometimes he can be a little grumpy whenever girls think he's attractive. They all think he looks so much like his mother" Marinette said.

"He told me what I needed to know about Chloe and all troublesome people" Adrien sat next to her.

"Has anyone tormented you in London?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah, but I know I couldn't let him take advantage of my weakness," Adrien said.

"What did you do?" Marinette asked.

"Let's just say I told him to never be foolish again in front of me because it's pointless to manipulate my trust," Adrien said, half lying that he meant Lila.

"I see" Marinette replied and turned on her game console, "Ever played video games?"

"With Felix, yes," Adrien said.

"Good because this one's based on Ladybug," Marinette said.

It lasted an hour and Adrien did go easy on her to let her win. He admitted that she was good but hopefully by then, he'll visit her again as the cat again.

"Well played, Marinette," Adrien said.

"Thanks. But it's like you were going easy on me" Marinette said.

"Well, it's the first time for me," Adrien said.

"Heh, you're a weird boy but you are something, Aiden," Marinette said.

"Yeah, in my own special way," Adrien said.

"Mmhmm. I'll see you later. If another new bully makes a threat, don't try to get involved like that alley cat became overprotective of me the other day" Marinette said.

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