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Everyone ached, just like me, paralyzed. We hardly even reacted, it's horrible to admit, but only when the hatter with my mother on his heels started to fight back did we wake up. As if from a slumber I woke up. Chaos erupted with my mother and the hatter at the front fighting their way to freedom.

They now stood on each side of the queen, eternally protective, and with a knife in each hand they could reach the beginning of the path without much difficulty. I had been so busy with everything that I hadn't even noticed the screams beside me. One came from a stabbed woman, a large bleeding, sure to be fatal wound in her side and the other from Louis.
"Y/n! Y/n! We have to go now!!"
I didn't answer, but didn't protest as he started to pull me away against the path, fighting back when needed.

I honestly thought we would manage to get away with our lives. At least until I felt the hard grip on my other hand. Instinctively, I turned to face my enemy and very quickly I was now face to face with Henry.

I was going to seek help from Louis, but to no avail, he was busy fighting for his own life against two guards, so when Henry pushed me up against a tree I did the only thing imaginable, I stood completely still.
"Why won't you love me!!"
I didn't answer him. His eyes drilled into mine giving me the opportunity to very slowly begin to reach down into my boot.
"Answer me for fack sake!!"
"Because you're an ass! A murderous ass who only thinks of himself!"
"But everything I've done I've done for you! I killed my own mother for you!!"
"You killed her for power!"
The glimmer of vulnerability I'd seen in him slowly began to die, replaced with pure rage. But it didn't matter to me, because precisely in that moment I hade closed my fingers around the handle of the knife.
"Love Me!"
He looked like he was going to hit me, but I was faster, this time I would show no mercy.

With all my strength I pushed my knife into his throat and the shock I on his face when I hit was priceless. "Go to hell!!"
But he was stronger than I thought, the anger and desire in his eyes shone against me as he took his last strength and pushed me backwards.
Backwards, down into the water. In pure panic, I grabbed his vest, now bloody with blood, and we fell. It went so fast, all I heard before it went black was the sound of someone yelling my name, no not someone, Louis, and then the splash as our bodies met the surface of the water and the current grabbed our bodies.

First I had struggled, the water would not be allowed to take me, my inability to swim would not be allowed to be my end. But thene, thene a strange warmth had begun to spread in my body. I felt soft and calm and slowly, so slowly I closed my eyes, leaving only total darkness behind.


"Yes mother, I'm here!"
The heat from the sun was pleasant, the sun's rays were blinding, but not burning. We lay in the meadow as we always did in the summer, mother had just told a fairy tale about Wonderland and now it was my turn. We had imagination, both she and I. But not Father, he would never understand how we could spend so much time outside telling storys, but it was our little secret.

But when I looked at my mother's smiling face, something felt wrong. A little girl in a blue dress was reflected in her eyes. I was the little girl, of course it was me, who else would it be. But still something felt wrong. Still, it wasn't me.
"Hmmm excuse me mother, I--."
"You didn't listen Y/n."
"No I guess I didn't--."
"You have to go back."
"You have to wake up."
"Huh? Mother what do you mean?" "You have to go back,
you habe to wake up,
you have to back up,
you have to wake up,
you have to back up,
you have to wake up!"

What had started as a conversation had turned into screaming, she screamed the words and I couldn't help but cover my ears, she was going crazy.
"Mother please stop."
"You have to go back,
you have to wake up!!"
But she didn't listen, the screams were now deafening and I didn't know what to do.

And then I saw it, the ground around us began to wither, no not wither, die! The sun was completely gone and in the reflection of her eyes I no longer saw a little girl. I saw an almost full-grown young woman! Maybe I was going crazy, but no, it couldn't be because she kept screaming!

"You have to go back,
you have to wake up!!
"Stop mother please stop, stop it!!"
And then she fell silent.
Completely silent, dead silent, until I heard it.


This is a very short chapter, I hope you can forgive me, but we must survive;) ❤️

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