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Turns out he didn't take me to god knows where, but a house. More specifically, his house. But when I saw the house already from a fare I thought there was something familiar about it, it was only when we got to the door and he opened it for me that it hit me.
"Am I dreaming of Wonderland?"
"No Darling you are in Wonderland!" Okay sure, I'm in a made-up world that got my mom in to the psych ward, that sound very likly.
"Sure sure, but then who are you?" "Who am I? Who are you!"
"Haha wery funny. But seriously who are you!"
"Who am I? Who are you!"
"So you mean you brought a stranger into your house?"
"Who said you were a stranger and who said it was my house?"
Now he smiled widely and it started getting on my nerves!
"My name is Louis (sorry I can't think of anything else😭) Hatter son of the mad hatter and now who are you?" "The mad Hatter?"
"Look Darling I answered your question, now you answer mine!" "Don't call me Darling."
"Then give me a name Darling."
"Fine Y/n Mckensly daughter of mad Alice."
"Alice as in Alice Alice?"
"You are Alice's daughter?"
"Yeah, that's exactly what I said!"
His smile grew even wider, and I began to regret my answer.
"Then we are saved! Thank the White Queen, when will your mother come?"
"My mother? The White Queen? Are you crazy! She's not coming and I have to go home now, how do I get back to the rabbit hole? Just listen to me 20 minutes in this place and I already sound crazy! This place too, I must have just hit my head and my mother's old stories have turned into a living hallucination due to the blow to my head or something!"
"Did you mean to say all that out loud?"
No, not even a bit.
"Well, if you want answers to all that, you'll have to go to the caterpillar." "The caterpillar?"
"But that will have to wait, it's tea time."
Without hesitation he entered the house closed the door and came out secunds later with only a hat in his hand.
Was all he said before walking away towards a long empty table.

Wit no hesitation, he placed the hat in the midel of the table and began to set the table.
But how?
He only had the hat, and out of the hat he pulled cups, saucers, teapots, cakes and tea!
"How is that possible!"
"Is what possible?"
"The hat!"
"Ahh yes, it's my own I guess it's nice." "But how-!"
"Wonderland Darling."
I stood there completely stunned, I didn't even react to him calling me Darling. There were only two possibilities, either Wonderland was real and mother was right, or....or I was going mad to.
Then he said something.
"We're all a little mad here."
"How did you know--?"
"I have my ways Darling."
"Don't call me Darling!"
"Besides it shows in your eyes, you're almost as crazy as I am."
"Not reassuring!"
"Who said I was trying to be reassuring?"
That's it! I'm probably already in the madhouse, he's probubly locked up next to me and soon I'll believe everything he says!
"We are two madmen in the same madhouse!"
"See usually that's a compliment, but I don't think you meant it that way." "Did I say that out loud?"
"Shore did Darling."
"Don't call me--"
"Shhh!! Sit down! The guests are coming!"
Guests which guests? But at the same time as he pushed me into a chair, out of the woods came an old brown hare wearing a vest? And he was talking to someone, but there was no one there. Then I saw it, first a smile, then a purple cat revealing itself!
I think I'm passing out!
"Hey psst Louis, do you see the purple cat too?"
"Of course, it's Cheshire."
"Ches what?"
"Shh they're coming, what kind of tea do you want?"
"The one in the teapot?."
"Little Louis thank you for a cordial tea invitation, your father would have been proud!"
"His dad IS proud Hare!"
"Enough talking about dad, when is Dormouse coming?"
"I'm here Louis!"
It came from a little mouse at Louis's feet!
"Hahah you're just like Cinderella!" "Cind who?"
"No never mind, it was a joke and it's not funny if I need to explain it!" "Okay, who wants tea!"
Everyone wanted tea, and the mouse wanted cookies, lots of cookies.

It was safe to say this was the craziest tea party I've ever been to. We danced, we sang, we changed seats at least seven times, the tea was pulled from Louis's hat, and the mouse ate more cookies than I thought possible even for a human. So when the animals, the geasts said goodbye and Louis packed everything into his hat and said it was time to go inside, I was relieved.

Well inside the doors he said.
"Follow me Darling, your room is up here."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. We passed a couple of doors and then he stopped at one.
"This was your mom's room." "Mother's?"
He smiled at me, opened the door and let me see into a magical room. The bed hung from the ceiling, there was a cherryblossom tree growing on the wall, there was a mirrordesk that served as a bedside table, and there were butterflies flying in the ceiling. "Wow."
"Yep, it fit Alice, well good night."
So he left me there, in the most magical room I've ever seen, for me to sleep. Yes, for sure I would fall asleep. NOT!
I spent forever just looking at the butterflies in the ceiling, it took me an eternity to fall asleep, but the last thing I thought was, what if Wonderland was real, this room looked exactly as mom had described it, what if she was right.

"Good morning my lovely, the tea is on the stove, the bread is toasted and the scrambled eggs are scrambled!" "My lovely?"
"Yes, you asked me to stop using Darling!"
"But my lovely? Then Darling was better."
"Okay Darling!"
"That is not how I meant!"
But it was too late, he had already left and I was left alone to find new clothes.

Finally I had found an outfit, it was a dress again, but this one was purple and the skirt part looked like it was sewn together from different parts of purple fabric in different shades. It was beautiful, it didn't look like anything I'd ever seen befour, but apparently I was in Wonderland now, and here nothing was normal.

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