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I have probably never been so uncomfortable in my entire life. We galloped forward on a strange horse, and the only thing that kept me on the horse was a strange man's tight grip around my waist! If I remembered Mother's stories correctly, which I was almost surtqn I did, I want to remember that the Red Queen was not so kind. So the likelihood that I was now going somewhere with the Red Prince, someone who was most likely her son, was not reassuring.
Nor was I calmed down when I saw that we were riding towards a large castle with an even larger moat around it.

Only when we were inside the gates of the castle did the horse stop. The prince jumped off before helping me down. Then someone or rather something took his helmet while something else took care of the horse. I considered my chances of survival if, without warning, I were to run against the gate and continue away. But I quickly dismissed that idea because the chance was zero for the gate had already been closed. So in lack of anything else to do, I looked around. All around me were playing cards, frogs that walked on two legs, an extremely large number of other animals and people with very unique appearances. One had a giant nose, another a big chin and a third huge ears.

Only when the prince tugged on my arm did I come back from my thoughts.
"Come on! We don't have all day!"
"All day for what?"
He turned his face to mine and studied me for a second.
"You really are stupid aren't you!" "Excuse me?!"
"You are a stranger I found wandering on our land, she must decide your fate in this wonderland!"
"She? Who is she?"
He rolled his eyes before answering. "The Red Queen of course and she doesn't like it when you're late so hurry up!"
The Red Queen!
Then there was realy no time to waste! I wouldn't want to upset her if she were to decide my fate in Wonderland. I've heard she can be quite chopping happy....

He pulled me through a few rooms and long corridors before we reached a large double door. He ran a hand through his hair and straightened his clothes before taking a firm grip on my arm.
"Ow, you're hurting me!"
He looked down at me, almost as if he wasn't expecting any objections before he said.
"You do realize that you are my prisoner?"
No, no, I hadn't realized that.
I looked down at the ground to hide my cheeks turning red from my own stupidity, but that's what he said.
"Listen, this isn't something I do often. But I feel generous. I'll give you a piece of advice."
Confused, I looked up and met his gaze.
But I never got an answer, because just then he opened the doors and pulled me into the great throne room.

He practically dragged me forward and threw me down in front of the throne, in front of her.
All that could be heard were whispered voices from her court, before the prince loudly announced.
"I found her on our land. She claims she doesn't know what she did there, or how she got there. We await your judgement, Your Majesty!"
My first instinct had been to stand up, stare down everyone who whispered so persistently, but one word thundered into my head.
So I lay there, with my eyes fixed on the floor. Waiting.

"What's your name girl."
Still on the floor I replied.
"Lady Y/n/n, your majesty."
The words tasted bitter on my tongue, the lies tasted bitter.
After that it were silent, not even her court whispered anymore, but then the silence was broken.
"Stand up!"
So I did, but my eyes were still fixed on the floor.
"What's your name!"
"Lady Y/n/n. Your majesty."
"Look at me!"
So I did.
"Your name!!"
"Lady Y/n/n."
This time I looked her straight in the eyes and she seamed satisfied. "Where are you from Y/n/n?"
"I can't remember your majesty."
"What were you doing on my land?"
"I can't remember your majesty." Another lie.
She didn't seem too pleased with my answers, but then she shifted her focus. Her gaze was fixed on my hand, more specifically the ring on my finger.
"And what do you have on your hand Y/n/n?"
"A ring your majesty."
Silence descended on the room again, but then I came up with something. "Would her majesty like it?"
"Would her majesty want the ring?" "Why are you asking this girl!"
"I can't remember where I got it from, or why I have it and it would probably fit your hand better than mine, so it only feels right that you have it."
"In that case, yes, I want it."
She held out her hand to me and I quickly took the ring off my finger and placed it in her hand. She took it, put it on her finger and studied it in silence.

For a good while everyone was silent, no one daring to speak. So announced the Queen.
"I have decided!"
All eyes were on her and they all glowered patiently.
"You get to live Y/n/n, you even get to stay in my palace!"
I could tell she was waiting for a reaction when she went silent, so I put on my best smile.
"Thank you, oh thank you majesty!" But before I could stop myself, I continued.
"I'm so fond of my neck, thank you!"
Judging by the silence, it was a big mistake. But then she started laughing, the queen laughed!
"You're funny Y/n/n, Henry, show her to a room!"
The prince at her side, her son nodded and took hold of my arm again, this time however it was looser.

"I think the ring saved you."
"You're smarter than you look. I'll give you that."
"Ohh, no I wanted her majesty to have the ring like I said--."
"Don't screw it up Y/n/n. You're alive, that was a smart plan."
"How did you know--."
"Your eyes."
I was just about to ask what he meant by that when he opened a double door to my right.
"Here it is, youre room. Through there you have a toilet, there's the wardrobe and ring the bell if there's anything you need."
I was stunned. Yes I'd grew up in a big house, but this, this was crazy. So big and so elegant, just for me?
"Is this mine? All off it?"
"Yeah, I live three doors down if you want anything."
He looked like he was going to leave, but to be absolutely sure I said.
"All this, is it for me? It's so big!"
"If it gets too big, I can always share it with you."
And then he left. He left me speechless.
What did he mean by that!?
But now it was too late to ask.

Wonderland? Wonderland!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя