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Tonight was the night. Me and Louis, with his father's help, had planned everything down to the smallest detail. Everything had gone flawlessly, only when we tried to smuggle in a bottle of, well, what is it called? Shrinking potion?
Only then had we encountered problems. It turns out that apparently it can be difficult for two prisoners to get and smuggle almost anything. Who would have thought!
I honestly still don't know how they did it, Louis says it's going to be a victory story, so I won't find out either. But in any case, we shall drink the potion tonight and, through the sewers, make our way out and to the White Queen.
Easy peasy, right, right?

If you ask me, everyone in this place is pretty stupid. We've been planning this for weeks, weeks! And everyone just thinks I'm on hat triouts or something. Honestly, how did this queen manage to take over an entire country, wait can Wonderland be seen as a country?
Uhh who care, now it can. But this queen god she's dumber than a monkey! No one even suspects a thing, NO ONE! Except, maybe the prince. Henry is the only one who really worried me, that's why I was terrified when that same evening, without warning,pulled me in a small room, and locked the door.

One look at him and I broke down. "Henry, please I can explain!"
"That's not necessary."
Ohh I'm so dead!!
"I think I know."
Goodbye head, you and neck will part, forever.
Was all I could muster.
"Yes, you like someone else."
"Wait what?"
Before I could stop myself it slipped out.
"It's obvious Y/n, I see, you like the hatter's son, you might even love him, but--."
"Love him?"
"It's okay, I can live with that, but I have a suggestion, or maybe more of a request"
"What do you mean?"
"I can protect you all, my mother, she's getting sick, she's not in her right mind, so I'll take over soon, but."
He paused for a moment as if to let me take it all in.
"But I want someone by my side, I want you! Say yes Y/n, that way I can protect you, all of you!"
It was as if I lost the ability to speak, I opened and closed my mouth, most likely I resembled a fish, but no sound came out.
"You don't have to answer now! It's a big decision, sleep on it, okay?"
I just nodded in response and Henry smiled back at me. He actualy smiled, but I already knew what my answer was.
Not because of Louis, or anyone else, I was, well I was simply un prepared and not ready, and with Henry, with Henry it just felt wrong.

As I lay there in bed waiting for Louis, I thought about how I ended up here. Actually, it had started with mom, but it felt like it started with a white rabbit. Just like in her storys. Almost as if she sent me the rabbit. Then it was because of, or maybe thanks to Charls, had he never been such a pig I might have planned a wedding by now. Instead I lay here, in a bed, in a castle, in Wonderland, waiting.

I waited like that for a long time, probably several hours, the sun had even started to rise, when it hit me. Louis wasn't coming!

Then suddenly I understood. It was the reason there was so little magic potion in the bottle, the reason he forced me to learn the way out by heart and the reason they chose my room, Louis wasn't coming.
Louis was never coming.

So with tears in my eyes I did as we planned. I drank from the bottle and poured the residue over my clothes. The trousers and the shirt, with the black jacket I so carefully selected. The clothes that Louis helped make so that we could sneak away without being discovered. He had always said we, but now it was me, because Louis didn't come.

Desperate, I drank from the bottle, then spilled a few drops on my clothes. The clothes that Louis had made for me, pants with a shirt that was covered by the thin black jacket. I even left a few drops in the bottle, because maybe, just maybe, he was just late and just as I was about to leave, he would come rushing in. But I knew it felt true.

I got down the drain through my bathtub. The tears now crept down my cheeks. As if they were little caresses, caresses that would tell me everything was okay, but they were only superficially a reminder that I was alone. The road was easy, even though I had never walked it, I knew it by heart. First right, then three lefts, then down, and then right again. Everything had gone well, I was even almost there when I heard the waters rushing towards me, and I ran, I ran as if my life depended on it because it did.

So finally I got out, I landed hard on the ground, but I didn't die. I was about to scream with happiness, then the water came. They came out of the same pipe I just got out of, and stupid as I was, I hadn't moved. As a result, I was showered with water, used water. I wiped my face and wetter than ever I started walking.
Just my luck.

I had walked for a long time, the morning had turned to dusk. My short legs probably wouldn't have made it go faster, but at least no one had seen me. I wonder if they had noticed I was gone yet. Wonderd if Louis--. No Y/n, no! Not him enny one but him! It was alays him, but why, he was just a friend, a very good friend. A friend that I wanted to hold, to be close, always talk to and.........and kiss.
No, no, it was probably just my tiredness talking, I didn't want to kiss Louis, we were just friends. Just friends.

But no matter what my tired brain could come up with, one thing remains. In front of me was a great palace, a great white palace, I had arrived.

Wonderland? Wonderland!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon