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Two days later I complimented the Queen's hat and she immediately sent me up to the hatter's room to get one of my own. Now I seriously began to think about whether I had given her too much credd. She didn't seem to be as smart as I first thought. I barely had to do anything, she handed me everything on a silver platter!

On the way to the hatter's room I hummed to myself. Everything went so well, Louis was alive, I had escaped an engagement and now I was going to see him again. Once at the door, I knocked carefully and was greeted by lots of rattling noises. "A moment!" More rattling, something that sounded like someone falling to the floor and then the door opened. But not by Louis. Instead it was occupied by a tall, pale man with red bushy hair and a hat on his head. "Hello Y/n!" I froze, he had said Y/n not Y/n/n! But then he dragged me into another room. We walked through a small hallway between boxes and what looked like thousands of head peaces. So when I stood in the doorway to the other room, I saw him, Louis.
And only then did I realize that the man next to me must obviously be his father.

He was doing needlework and didn't look up, not until his father approached him and whispered something. Only then did he see me. "You!"
He walked up to me and at first I couldn't tell if he was angry, only when he wrapped his arms around me did I calm down.
"You are here."
"I'm here."
But then he released me and took a step back.
"Why are you here?!"
Oh, I really didn't know what to answer.
"What do you mean?"
"You were home, back, when I woke up you were gone so I assumed, what are you doing here!"
I smiled at him, usually I was the one who couldn't find the right words, but I assumed it had caught on.
"Do you want the long or short variation?"
Louis didn't answer, but his father did.
"Long pleace! I want to know everything!"
So I started, I told about how I got home, that Charles had proposed, how I got back to Wonderland, how I got here, my fear but also relief when I saw Louis in the throne room, yes I told everything. The only thing I left out was the assault by Charls.

When I was finaly done I looked at them, both staring back at me, the Hatter with his mouth open. I waited for them to say something, but they didn't. We sat in silence before the Hatter finally said.
"Alice's daughter."
Not a question, just as if he needed to state the obvious to himself. So finally Louis said.
"Guess we'll have to measure your head if we're going to make you a headpeace."
And I just nodded.

While Louis was measuring my head, his father was working on something else in another room. I didn't know if he deliberately left us alone or if he just went back to what he was doing before I came, but his absent left the room quietly. Louis was so close to me. His face almost level with mine, he looked so focused. if I just leaned forward, just a little, our lips would meet. The thought made my stomach tickle, but why, Louis was a dear friend, nothing else, I didn't want to kiss him. Did I?
Still, I leaned forward, a little, a little more. Until Louis pulled me back to reality.
"Sit still Y/n!"
"Sorry, it was not my intention."
Then he was done, he scribbled something down on a piece of paper and the moment was gone.

The room fell silent again and we both just sat there. It was almost embarrassing, but a question gnawed at me, I had to, I couldn't stop myself so I asked.
"What happened after I left?"
He flinched at the question, then there was silence, until he began to tell me.
"The same day I realized you were gone they came. The damn prince wanted to arrest me himself. Said I committed treason or something. They destroyed the whole kitchen in the process and I was tied up here, until the trial then."
I put my hand on his and pressed it lightly, he looked up at me, sadness filled his eyes and I whispered. "Forgive me."
"Why? It wasn't your fault. On the contrary, you totally saved my life. I was sure she was going to behead me."
He said the last thing with disgust in his voice, but still I couldn't shake the feeling.
"But if I had been there, I might have been able to stop them!"
"Not a chance! If you had been there, you would have just sat in the cell next to mine."
He smiled, it was a small smile, but it was jenuin. So I smiled along. He was right. There was nothing I could have done.

"Besides, we have to come up with a plan to get you out of here."
Horror filled me, I had just gotten him back and he wanted to send me home, despite everything I just told him!
Despite everythingI didn't tell.
He must have seen the horror, because at once he said.
"Not home! To the White Queen!"
"I didn't think she existed.."
"Ohh she exists, but we need your help, you can save us."
"No buts! You're the daughter of the great Alice, and besides, I think you could be insanely powerful."
His eyes sparkled again, a sparkle I hadn't seen in a long time.
"Okay thene, how are we doing this." Just then his father came rushing in. "I have a plan!"
"Have you been eavesdropping on us dad?"
"I, no I would never! I'd call it more necessary monitoring!"
Louis looked a little irritated, but I actually started laughing and between my laughs I got out.
"Now let's hear the master plan." Louis smiled and turned to me to whisper in my ear.
"I've missed your laugh Darling."
I've missed you.
"I want to hear too!"
His father exclaimed, but Louis just smiled devilishly.

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