1| A Comforting Stranger

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The busy streets ahead of the scenic sea-line of Marine Drive hustled a lot more than normal at the ambrosia of the seashore and the damp mud wafting through the city, the excitement to witness the first rain of the season evident in each person's countenance as they rushed towards the footpaths, and towards the edges of Marine Drive, while children's excited tones and shrieks resounded crystal clear on the sleek streets.

The sky took a dark shade, matching the hue of the dark, yet harmless Arabian Sea, while a single streak of orange light stood in the horizon, filtering out the sky from the endless ocean. The clouds rumbled then, with thunders hitting the skies while flashes of lightning brightened the atmosphere at irregular intervals, as small, little drops of water began to rain down.

Anshul, who had been sipping on his coffee till then, felt a sudden urge to drench himself in the very first shower of that year's monsoon. Not bothering to look at his well-to-do, maroon linen shirt and beige trousers, he pushed his suitcase against the wall of the roadside café, and stepped up, pushing against all the forceful air that blew from the sea to his direction.

Water droplets trickled down his forehead as he placed his foot outside the shelter of the huge tree, and he felt his muscles relax instantly, calming his nerves as the cool water breached his shirt and reached his warm skin.

He shut his eyes after he finished scanning the empty road, with only bikes passing on the other lane, and relished the  rain that began steadily escalating into a downpour.

His ears enjoyed the pitter patter of the rain, while his skin turned cool and refreshed under the rainwater, while the strong breeze fanned his frame, flushing him up with relaxation.


A loud, yet frail voice shot into his ears as Anshul fluttered his eyes open instantly, turning his head swiftly to the direction from where the sound came.

His eyes caught the figure of an old lady struggling to walk with the air that blew, while the slippery road did not help her. He shifted his focus to where the old lady's eyes were fixated upon, and he found a little boy sobbing under the rain, unknown how to return to his grandmother, the honks of the bike intimidating the little child.

"Aai! Do not worry, I will bring him!" Anshul shouted towards the old lady dressed in green as he broke into sprints towards the little boy, but what he did not notice was the speeding government bus that came their way.

As he reached out to the child, he felt a soft palm push his chest away, and electrification settled into his veins when he felt the touch of her palm on his chest. He felt his wrist being tugged at, and he noticed that he was pushed back to the footpath, while the child was held securely in the woman's hold, his sobbing calming down as he broke into giggles.

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