Mistakes of the past

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~Oyinda's Pov~


Not again.

Marho's words rang in my ear as I left the classroom and headed somewhere, anywhere , I just needed to clear my head.

"Once upon a time....." The way he said it made it sound like a fairytale, I can't blame him, at a time in my life I thought it was.

I'd been brought up in the tradtional Christian faith with a little bit of African spice and ignorance. 

I'd been told since as soon as I could tell the difference, that no boy should touch me until i get married. This wasn't strange it's what almost every girl is told right before the importance of only wearing skirts that reach your ankles are drummed into our heads and to never even dream of wearin anything with a neckline that wasn't besties with your neck itself, all before you're "Grandma" from some distant village shows up one day to rub your breasts with a special broom to stop them from growing and "attracting the evil gazes of men."

Here, getting caught doing something as small or simple as kissing would get you disowned and designated as the school whore.

That never stopped the girls in my school though. Some were sneaky enough to not get caught the others well just didn't care.

For a while I thought myself above them. I was determined to remain a Saint, keep my body till marriage you know all that stuff.

You see I'd been taught my self worth was attached to my body and so as to remain relevant and "whole" I must not let anyone near me or no one would want me.

So I was determined to remain "whole". But you see the problem with this mindset is no one tells you that those things we're scared away from, actually feel really really good.

You see most boys learn this either through porn or their elder brothers or even their friends but that faithful day when Marho pressed his lips against mine it would be the first I'd ever heard of it and God next time a little warning would be nice.

What had been fear and anxiety that had built up as he moved close enough to me, so close that I could smell his aftershave, gave way to pleasure so intense my head still spins thinking about it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, quite shocked and a little impressed by this bold gesture he had suddenly made.

I had a feeling he had something up his sleeve when he said we should go to the Robotics Lab, a place notorious for "runs".

I wasn't going to let him get away with anything of course. But it's still fun to tease. I'd let him get close then walk away.

Gotta keep them interested somehow right ?


That's what I thought, but no one ever taught me how to to account for the blood that would eventually rush to my head as I felt his breathe on mine.

I tried to pull away trust me I did. I tried to think of something, anything to get me out of this.

I know what you're thinking, "just say No". I tried but my vocal chords either couldn't or like the rest of my body didn't want to.

"Don't think" He said.
"Just feel.....feel me".

I relaxed into his arms that he had carefully wrapped around my face and waist as he pressed his lips on mine.

His towering presence over me wouldn't let me breathe fresh air, in that moment everything i smelt was him, breath was him, felt was him.

And I never wanted it to stop.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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