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Well, Samuel was definitely right, but ripping the band aid off was going to be a challenge.

It is now 3:55pm as part of my timekeeping duries, I had just rung the bell signalling the end of the day, and everyone could now go home.
I gathered my things from the locker in my class and was heading the bus to go home.

"Ojuriiiii," I heard a voice say from behind

"You know my first name is actually Ayodeji, right ? Or Ayo for short" I ask as I turn around

"Yeah, but Ojuri has a better ring to it." the person replies cockily

" I would normally complain, but I'd have to forfeit calling you Oyiiin, so you could say it's fair.....for now. "I add with a smile .

Oyinda was the type of girl you dont usually find in teen romance movies.She was smart ,I might even say a tiny bit smarter than me, but wasn't a  nerd. She played sports but definitely wasn't a jock,she got along with everyone,she could sing,she could draw ,name any skill and I'm willing to bet my left eye that Oyinda could do it and look absolutely stunning while doing it.

"How was English?" She asked
" You disappeared right after the exam,"

"Sorry, I met up with Samuel."

"Daniella?" She asked quizzically

" No, Samuel," I respond with a confused look on my face."How do they even sound alike?" I asked even more confused

"Besides what would I be doing spending the whole day with Daniella I have enough girl problems on my hands."

" Ooh drama, SPILL,"her eyes gleamed with excitement

" I can't now I have to go home, but later sha. "

"Fine, Monday ?"



" Bye. " I answered back, taking off through the corridor and down the stairs, realising I was getting late.

As I finally settled down with Teni in the back seat of the bus, I thought about Oyinda.

I don't know what, but something always kept drawing me back to her.

Maybe it's her eyes,Amber like mine,but they shined like Topaz whenever she was in the sun.

Or her lips full and pink,with perfect white teeth behind them ,with the exception of her right canine,it's longer than the other,but there's nothing better than a tiny  bit of imperfection within perfection.

Perhaps it's her body ,fair delicate skin rounding up her face, and coming down to enunciate her God-given curves.

Before you judge, no, I'm not a perv

Oyinda and I were not exactly all that close,we definitely talk a lot and we're in the same class,she's one seat in front of me actually at the right front corner of the class where nobody pays attention to so sometimes if we keep our voices down we could talk for multiple periods on end.

But that was it. We never talked about anything serious it was always something that happened to x and y or what teacher was being an ass or what assignments we hadn't done yet.
It never really got past that.

But yes, you caught me. I may have something of crush
Well to say I have a crush is kind of a stretch,She's pretty and smart and in close proximity to me for 80% of my day,I'm just saying I may have thought about once...Or twice, okay maybe a bit more than twice,but it was like a celebrity crush,not that I consider her ANY type of celebrity, but it was just something I liked to think about PERIOD.

We're too....ourselves for our own good I don't know how to explain it but I had a feeling any relationship between the two of us would never work.

Or so I thought .

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