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All good things must end and all cartels fall and with it it's runners too.
"Maybe I just can't keep a stable relationship,or maybe I just haven't found one worth keeping."

These were the thoughts going through my head as I wrapped up my English exam because as much as I wish I wasn't I am still a sixteen year old in Ss2.

"Are you done?" The teacher asked

"Oh.Yes ma." I answered snapping out of my thoughts and handing in my paper.

I waited till the time for the exam was up and got out of my seat heading to the bathroom.

After splashing a bit of water on my face I look up at the mirror ,the exam hadn't been hard but it had been long.I had dozed off a couple times and now had mini bags under my eyes.

I examined myself in the mirror .
I was wearing my blazer with no tie, a look I sometimes sported apart from my signature tie and cardigan look. On the left side of my blazer my "time keeper" badge is pinned.I don't wear it a lot anymore because it's kind of cringe but mostly because my tenure would soon end and I finally apply to become a "real" prefect

My hair dark and short was tangled,I had been twisting it with my fingers to form little knots because it helps me think.I don't have a comb so I smooth it out with my hands.

I look into the mirror and my amber eyes stated back at me.

I am no chiseled face Hollywood actor but hey not bad for 16 year old.
My eyes sculpted into my face at the right angle to make them seem wide but tiny when I squint,my nose beneath them had no outstanding qualities.
The pride and joy  of my face being what's below,
My lips thin and dark pink curves into a smile that could rival any toothpaste model,the teeth within pearly whites on a good day.

My growing facial hair stumping out at the bottom it's not much but definitely ahead of other guys my age.

Leaving the bathroom I run into Samuel.

"Hope you didn't bang too much." He jeered

" See you, as if I won't still get higher than you."I said with a light smile.
"Wanna bet?" He eyed me
I took a moment to consider, I'd known Samuel long enough to know his competitive side can be challenging but,

Nah, I'd win.

"Sure no problem, the usual?" I ask

He looked at me for a bit, taken aback by the fact a simple joke had become another avenue to take his lunch money.
"Nah I'm good"

I could tell he'd had his fill of going hungry for a while.

Samuel and I have been friends since Js1,if he wasn't a best friend he was the next best thing.

English was the last exam of the day and it was a Friday so we would have plenty of time to read for next week's papers.

"So how far you and Moyo?" He asked out of the blue.

"I don't even know anymore ." I replied

"You don't like her again ?"

" I don't know when I'm with her I actually full on 100% am into it,but when I'm not it just evaporates FAST,and now we'll have to go on a 2month long holiday from school and I just don't know if I'm going to feel the same when we get back. "

"Not to mention the questionable choice in friends." I add rolling my eyes.

"True that." He said while laughing hysterically
"Why don't you just tell her?"

" Teni I'm not going to tell a sweet innocent girl I don't like her anymore,not because she did anything or I have a legitimate reason not to like her but simply because I can't keep feels"

"Its usually best to too the bandaid off"
" Okay look at the other option she goes into the holiday thinking she has a nice caring boyfriend waiting for her,then you don't text her at all cause you're no longer interested making her feel even worse . "
"Reason am how is that the better option."

He was right I guess well at least I would have an entire weekend to think about it.

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