The Next Part

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After Tolu I bounced around a lot ,had a couple flings they all fizzed out ,was someone's sneaky link for a while, that obviously didn't work out either
The point is I craved it ,that feeling we call love ,I was so desperate for it after Tolu it was like a drug to me and I was always on the look for my next fix .

If love was a drug then Mosope was my dealer

I asked her out more or less out of the blue .We were running a errand for a teacher and on our way back I asked her to go with me to a fair our school was holding over the weekend .

She said no.

Maybe that was one of the things that made me still come back I don't know but we still ended up going to the fair together, getting cotton candy, going on rides, you know the drill

At the end of the day I went out on a limb and told her I liked her.
Was this true ......?
Maybe it was the effects of the movie like circumstances of the day but she asked and I just said yes .It wasn't entirely a lie though I did think she was cute and I was definitely looking forward to maybe developing whatever we had that day but saying I liked her was an overstatement I would regret for a long time.

She said she liked Me back a couple days later.

Kinda expected that too .Not to be prideful ,I'm not a 10 like in the stories but I can pull a doe when I want to.

Me and Moyo worked WELL.
She was smart, funny,had a great personality and to be honest had an awesome body, she let me do things my past flings nor Tolu had let me do.She opened my mind to physical touch. We never did anything inappropriate but she'd let me actually hold her hand ,rest my head on her thighs ,hug her from behind ,hold her waist etc,things most Nigerian girls see as a taboo.

The best part was for the most of it ,it wasn't one sided .I had grown so used to always being the one to make the first steps being the guy in the relationship and all ,but Moyo didn't care about that if for whatever reason I couldn't come to see her she'd come to see me ,she'd sometimes text first and even grab my arm and waist from behind.......
.......when no one was watching of course

Sadly it gets to a point where the dealer can no longer satisfy a customers high and they all meet their end.....eventually

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