A Bet

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~Oyinda's POV~

It felt good to tell someone else about me and Marho. 
We had been a secret even when we just started dating. I didn't want our relationship to ruin my reputation,not that he was a "bad boy" or anything but where I come from the  and he was fine with not gaining unwanted attention so we stuck with it and it was nice .....until it wasn't

Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, but between our lack of conversations and his being obsessed with my body, I had kind of lost feelings for him.

I felt relieved as I confessed all of this to Seun. He hadn't said anything since I'd finished he only looked at me with his head slightly tilted and a blank expression on his face.

"That's .... A lot too, " he said, finally breaking the silence.

I roll my eyes again.

He continues, "I seriously just thought you didn't find boys attractive."

"What do you mean I find many boys attractive?" I lie. Not to be mean, but the quantity of good-looking boys in my school was in the lower percentage.

He smiles again and begins again. " Fine, do you find me attractive ? "

What?! I was lost for a moment,most boys were bold, especially when talking to a girl, but this was definitely out of pocket.
And if I might add kind of smart and to be completely honest kind of cringe . If I said yes he'd have the satisfaction of hearing me say he was good looking ( he's definitely no Chris Hemsworth but he's not bad for a 16 year old),but if I said no he 'd just keep on saying I didn't find boys attractive......... he's smart.

"No...eeww," I reply after thinking about it for a second. Better he think I'm asexual than he ever knowing I think he's actually kind of cute.

"Sure," He says, looking slightly dejected. I'm guessing that wasn't the answer he wanted.

I smile a little inside. 1-0

After looking around for a bit, he looks at me. "So we're both in relationships we m longer want and are too afraid to call it quits with their M's ?"

"M's ?" I ask.

"Moyo and Marho ,pay attention."

"Dumb name but fine."

He laughs a bit, then his jaw tightens, and his eyes squint .He looked at me seriously and said, " What if we made a bet ? "

"A Bet ?"

" Yeah, we both bet to call off our ' situationships', no backing out."He says with  a triumphant look on his face.

I almost snort a bit. "Ode, that's not how a bet works,someone has to win, and the other has to lose."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock" he pauses for a second and starts again. " I got it , the loser has to take the winner out,"

Maybe smart was an overstatement for him, I think to myself before answering back. " In case you've forgotten, we still both LIVE in Nigeria AND have African parents who aren't going to allow us to go anywhere with each other." I was going to add another insult to the end, but I just couldn't be bothered.

"Calm your horses 'Mrs Weasly', isn't the charity fun fair coming up in December again? You can just take me out there."

"Take you out ?" I made a point to stress the ' you' , " First off you never even said how we would decide the winner and loser, and Second we both know you're gonna be the one spending on me , oh and heads up I like a heavy wallet."

I don't normally like bets, but this was shaping up to be a very interesting one.

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