Chapter XXIV - Peter

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"Mmm," I wake up, hugging Luke close to me. His back plastered to my front wearing nothing but our skin.

"Good morning, baby." I feel him flinch. Huh, maybe I woke him up and startled him. I press myself even closer; my morning wood dying to bury itself deep inside him.

I hear a dry "Good morning," and just I as I begin to sway my hips as if I was fucking Luke, he jumps off of my embrace and out of bed looking like a lost rabbit in the woods.

"What the fuck?" Luke murmurs, "This wasn't supposed to happen. No, no, no. This wasn't supposed to happen."

My heart breaks hearing him say that. After last night I thought he'd forgiven me. He told me he missed me and he held on to me as if the love he feels for me isn't lost.

"I have to get out of here."

"Wait, Luke," he walks toward the door. "Hey, no, please, don't leave. I..." I don't know what he's thinking or what's going through his mind. "I want to get breakfast with you. We could shower and go for breakfast before I drop you off for your classes like we used to."

Luke and I had gotten into a routine of me dropping him off on the days we had a similar schedule. His first class was a little before I had to go in, and his last class ended around the time I was done with work, so it always made sense.

"Before you drop me off?" He questions with a frown on his face.

Have I read this wrong since last night? When Luke looked at me last night like he used to, I thought it meant he came to his senses and forgave me. Or maybe not completely forgiving but that at least we could be good.

Now, though, I think maybe it was wishful thinking.

"Yeah, before I drop you off like we used to. I miss it."

Luke responds with a dry chuckle that holds no humor and I try to prepare myself mentally for whatever he's going to say. 

"Peter, you and I?" He moves his finger between us, "We're not ok. Last night didn't mean what— It didn't mean we're ok. That I'm not hurt."

"But you came to me and I thought—"

"You thought, what?" he interrupts, "Did you think your dick could magically erase what you put me through? Yeah, no, that's not happening. I have to go."

Before I open my mouth to respond he's out of the bedroom and I'm not even out myself when I hear the slamming of a door at the end of the hallway.

I get ready for work in slow motion wondering if this pressure in my chest will ever go away. It's like a mix of bronchitis and an anxiety attack. I'd had them each separate but never knew together they would spell 'heartbreak'. Or at least that's what this feels like.

I want to catch Luke before he leaves. I need to talk to him and fix whatever happened between last night and now. But I guess I took too long, because I make it downstairs just in time to see his car out of the driveway. All I have left is Marco and my stupid pain. And fucking Gabe that can't seem to take no for an answer.

"Congratulations are in order?" Marco says in the form of a question.

"Congratulations? What can you possibly congratulate me about?"

"Well, for starters, that your house is still standing after the massive banging it took last night. You two should consider having noise canceling headphones for your guests. Out of all the things I never wanted to hear, you, fucking Luke into the wall while he calls you daddy, was probably first on the list."

My eyes widen the more he talks. Especially because he does it so seriously you could never tell if he's messing with you. "He never called me daddy," is the only idiotic thing my brain can think to say. "What else are you congratulating me on?"

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