Chapter V - Peter

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I'm not sure how to say the date went. Gabe is certainly not what I expected - not in a bad way by any means. He's just louder. I get that he's charismatic, and I like that about him, but he's also a bit over the top, and had I known he was like that, I might have not taken him to a restaurant that prides itself in its quiet and comfortable environment. His laugh is... well... he sounds like a hyena. Is it endearing? Somewhat. Still, I was not expecting that and at times I found myself chuckling at the looks we were getting. He was completely oblivious to it and I didn't want to call him out on it and make him feel bad for being himself.

We're walking toward the parking lot where my restored '73 Barracuda is parked. I tend to carry a clean professional image but as Luke's always said, I show my bad boy side through the 'crazy machine' I drive.

"So," Gabe balances himself on the ball of his feet with his hands in his pockets. "I had a great time tonight."

"So did I. Thank you for joining me."

He goes quiet for a second then sighs, "I'm sorry for what happened in there. Sometimes I forget myself and don't know how to behave. My mom used to call me Stormy because I was always leaving chaos behind me."

I smile and with my fingers, I pull his chin up. "Don't apologize for being genuine. It was a shock for sure, but that's because I'm lame and old." That makes him smile and look into my eyes. Little by little he gets closer and I help close the gap between us. My fingers haven't left his chin and I ask, "Can I kiss you?" He nods, gulping and I lean forward and press my lips to his. He sags against me, his body weight resting on my body, and we kiss for a few seconds learning each other's lips. He tastes sweet like the dessert he ordered, and I love it.

I drove Gabe to the house where I picked him up and the whole way there I kept his hand in mine. I drop him off with the promise to get a second date and the rest of the way home has me singing all the stupid pop songs that come up on the radio. If my father saw me now he would disown me.

The house is dark and quiet when I arrive and Luke's car has been moved to the garage I assume since it's no longer in the driveway. He was so sick when I left, and now I consider going up and checking on him but think better of it and head to our bedroom instead. Or I guess my bedroom now.

I hadn't stopped all day to rest and make a beeline to my ensuite dropping on the hamper the clothes I was already taking off. The water doesn't take long to get scolding hot as Luke likes it and I smile, then frown. It's going to be hard to get used to not associating everything with Luke.

I get in the shower and the second I touch my groin I'm reminded of the last time I had sex—it was with Luke, in this same shower. I had him bent over with the water hitting the top of his head while I pounded into him relentlessly. The sounds he made were sexy and inhuman; he's always been so vocal and I wonder if Gabe would be the same.

Set on putting Luke's image aside, I dare to do the wrong thing and imagine it's Gabe here with me. It's Gabe taking my cock deep inside him. God, I'm so horny I could go fuck for hours right now and suddenly I feel stupid for not accepting Gabe's invitation to come in when I dropped him off at his place.

What will life be moving forward? My thoughts in the shower run from one topic to another and even though I'm the one who asked for a divorce, I still ask myself if that's really what I want. I love Luke so much and if he allows it, he'll always be my best friend, but it's hard to think that —as much as exploring more of what's out there for me excites me— we won't celebrate more anniversaries together.

Luke was my first and he'll always be the world to me, but I keep thinking of what we haven't experienced outside of our relationship. We've explored different things together, though.

Our sex life wasn't boring and we've been in threesomes and even one orgy where Luke found out he's bisexual, but we've never experienced anything outside of what we've felt comfortable letting others do. Luke was never comfortable with me fucking anyone, so his is the only ass I've ever experienced, and no way was I going to let anyone fuck him because I don't share what's rightfully and only mine, but we've sucked and been sucked, we've touched, we've rimmed, and I even agreed to let Luke fuck a woman while I fucked him. It wasn't my cup of tea but my husband loved it and that pleased me.

From there my thoughts go back to Gabe. He's a sassy little thing but something tells me he'll be everything I want in bed. He'll be submissive to me and let me control him to my heart's desire—or at least I hope so. I'm not a dom by any means, but I like to control everything in my life and Gabe is always quick to follow all I ask from him like a little pet. If that's him at work, I can't even begin to imagine what he'll be like in bed.

I finish my shower promising to drop all sexual thoughts about Luke or Gabe from my mind. I need rest and I work early in the morning so after going downstairs to get a glass of water I head to check on Luke before getting back to my room to sleep. I knock but he doesn't answer so I open the door just to make sure his temperature is ok but when I enter the room I find nothing.

The need to know where he went to sick and without my permission has my blood slightly warmer, but then I remember he no longer owes me anything and reality hits me making it clear that not all in this divorce will be as rose-colored as I've been fooling myself to think because it means the man that's always been happy to listen to me and do as I say will no longer consider my needs, and the knowledge that no everyone out there is as eager to please as my husband, is a bucket of ice water I wasn't expecting this late at night.

Luke never comes home and that kept me awake all night. Where the fuck is he, and why does it bother me so much not to know?

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