Chapter X - Peter

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Eleven years ago

"Where are you taking me, baby?"

"You'll see, don't be so nosy!"

"Come on, Luke, you know I don't like surprises."

"No, you love surprises, you just can't handle not being in control, or knowing there's a surprise, and not knowing what it is."

Okay, he got me there. Still, I want him to tell me. Not being in control gives me anxiety, just like he said. Not only that but I... I had a surprise for him too.

I think of the ring in my suit jacket, of Marco and his girlfriend probably wondering where I'm at and why am I not there. I made reservations for four at Mom and Dad's favorite restaurant and used their name to get their best table too. Andrea's is where my father asked my mother to renew their vows, and it's where I want to ask Luke, the love of my life, to spend eternity with me.

"Okay, we're here."


"Luke, why are we in school? We agreed we were having dinner. They'll give our table away if we're not there in fifteen minutes." The little jerk chuckles and squeezes my bouncing leg ignoring my concerns.

I knew so long ago that I would marry Luke and have been waiting for the perfect moment. The appropriate moment. After all, we're basically kids, still as ignorant now at eighteen as we were last month at seventeen. None of that ever mattered, though, because I know in my heart that we're meant to be. I don't know, something just tells me we are.

"Peter?" Luke asks when I don't move a finger to get out of the car, "Are you mad at me? I want to surprise you but if you really hate this I can tell you–"

"No, no, no," I interrupt, "I want this. You know how I get when I don't follow through with plans but I love you. Whatever you want, I want."

Luke gives me the big smile I love and moves to get out of the car. So do I.

Grabbing my hand Luke walks me through the hall where we were just a few hours ago. He walks me by the wall of trophies and the Football team picture we took when we won Nationals. It's all a bit nostalgic even though I was dying to finish school. Luke always makes fun of me for being a jock and a nerd but I can't help it, I've been excited to go to college since I was a Junior in high school.

We make it to the end of the hall where big double doors open to our stadium, everything is dark and Luke pushes me slightly forward telling me to guide him to the field and instinctively I do.

I reach back with my hand to grab Luke's but before he takes it, the big lights around the stadium turn on, blinding me. I put my hand up trying to cover my eyes to the new and unwelcomed clarity and when my eyes finally adjusted, I put my hand down.

A few people can be seen walking toward us and confusing me even more. They hold posters in their hands that are up above them, arms stretching over their heads. Then, I see Marco —the traitor that's supposed to be holding my table at the restaurant— and Wells next to each other laughing like idiots and that's when I realize what's happening.

Each poster getting closer to me holds a different letter and together they form the simple —yet life-changing— question. Will You Marry Me? I turn around and my heart skips a beat when I see Luke down on one knee holding a little navy box with a light inside that illuminates the small stone shining bright in the middle of a black ring.

"Luke I—" I pause and start laughing and when I do everyone else stops. The pain in Luke's eyes makes me understand he thinks I'm laughing at him and without a second thought, I drop to one knee and pull the ring from my jacket. Before I even ask, Luke throws his head back laughing. God, he's beautiful!

Luke stops laughing and looks back at me and I say, "Only if you say yes to my question. Lucas Javier Bartlett, will you be my fiancé, my husband, and the love of my entire life?"

He winks and says, "You bet your ass I will," and that becomes the happiest day of my life. No words, in any language, will ever be able to explain how much love I feel for Luke.

Ten years ago

Today is our twenty-first birthday and our wedding. It's nothing crazy, just a simple union at the Courthouse. Our parents weren't thrilled when they found out we were engaged so young, but that didn't last long. Soon after our mothers were planning the wedding of the century but Luke and I didn't want any of that. They whined for a while but understood it wasn't happening. We are simple guys barely used to life as adults so we have other priorities and other uses for the money they planned to spend on the celebration. That's how we're affording the down payment on our first house.

"Happy birthday, gorgeous," I tell Luke, pulling him toward me.

"Happy birthday, my love. Are you ready?"

Am I ready? I've never been more prepared for something in my life. Marrying Luke. I'm marrying Luke! "I can't wait. I feel like I've been waiting for a lifetime. But no more, gorgeous. Today you become mine."

"Silly," Luke chuckles, "I've always been yours. Now it'll just be harder to leave you when you piss me off."

Never! He's never allowed to leave me, but what he says next takes me by surprise.

"Unless you're the one who gets tired of me. I mean, you've never been with anyone else. What if one day you realize you need more? What if I'm not enough to keep you happy and you want to try with someone else? Peter... Peter tell me now if you think that'll happen or promise me, promise me it never will."

"Never, Luke. There'll never be a day where you're not enough for me. Don't forget that." 

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