Chapter III - Peter

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I walk into my office almost skipping, I'm so excited. Luke took the news better than I expected and that gave me the courage to face today and feel good in my decision. I've always known Luke is strong; we've been best friends since we lost our first teeth and I hope we can continue to be friends after our divorce. He was quiet the entire time I talked but he smiled here and there and told me that as long as I was happy with my decision, it was all good. Maybe he's been feeling detached lately just like I've been. Maybe he'll find love again too and one day we can laugh about it while we compare dentures.

"Good morning, Mr. D'Orio."

Gabe. Just like every day there he is with a smile, a cup of coffee just the way I like it, and wearing a tie that matches his eyes. Seems he only owns aqua blue ties or at least all contain that color in their patterns.

"Good morning, Gabe. Could you, eh— Could you come into my office."

Gabe nods and grabs his work-assigned tablet, a notepad, and a pen along with his coffee. "No worries," I grab my coffee when I catch him looking at it trying to figure out how to get it, "I'll bring it."

I get in my office and turn when I reach my desk so I can lean on it. Gabe takes the couch to my left, pad, and pen in hand with his eyes bright and focusing on me. He's a gorgeous man that I have no business pursuing, but he seems just as interested so I'll shoot my shot.

"You don't need to take notes. This is personal." He puts the pad away tucked to his side. "I'm going to cut right to it because I think what I'm about to say is true and I need you to confirm it or tell me I'm crazy."

Gabe shifts in place looking uncomfortable but I smile and that seems to appease him so I continue. I've never been accused of being subtle so why start now?

"Please correct me if I'm wrong but, you're interested in me, aren't you?" His eyes widen and he clutches his tie loosening it like he needs more air than before. "I'm not going to fire you if you say yes I—I want to know if I've gotten this wrong the whole time but I think you are interested. I think you like me. Am I wrong?"

Gabe swallows and a bead of sweat pools at his temple even in the cold office. Again, he adjusts his tie, and if I wasn't paying attention I would've missed the almost quiet "You're not wrong", that leaves his lips.

Gathering the courage to be bolder I move to sit by him on the couch and dare to grab his fidgeting hands between mine. When he looks at me I smile and simply ask, "Would you go on a date with me?" I've never seen someone going from scared to excited, back to scared as fast as he did.

"No!" He says, getting up suddenly, "I can't. You're married. I could never– No, sorry but I can accept."

"Gabe, listen to me," I get up and chase him across the room where he moved. "I'm married, yes. But I asked my husband for a divorce. If you'd like, if you don't mind keeping things quiet while my divorce is finalized, I'd like to date you."

"But, what about work? What is everyone going to think?"

"I couldn't give a lesser fuck about what they think. It's my firm. They can quit if they don't like it. So, about that date... what do you say?"

"Yes, Mr. D'orio. I'd love to go on a date with you."

"Perfect. I'll make reservations and message you later with the details."

Gabe smiles once more and nods, excusing himself when his desk phone starts to ring. Before he leaves the room completely I call out, "And Gabe?" He stops and turns, "Call me Peter." He grins and that's enough to get me up to a good start.


I get home to find silence. Luke's car is in the driveway which is odd, but sometimes his professors let the class leave early and he arrives before me. The quiet, however, is unusual. One of our most constant arguments is that he's louder than a carnival, so the silence is a nice welcome to the house even if it's unsettling all the same.

I go about my day and forget about anything else as I get ready for my date. I put on gray slacks, a black silken buttoned down with the sleeves rolled up and the two top buttons undone. I smooth my hair partially to the side and spray on my favorite perfume. Once I'm done I head downstairs to stop for a bottle of water on the way out.

Entering the kitchen I stop dead on when I see Luke wrapped in a blanket wearing only loose boxers–his face unshaven and his hair all over the place. His eyes and nose are red and he's hugging a steaming cup of tea. I immediately worry and run to his side pressing the back of my hand to his forehead to see if he has a fever. "What's wrong? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm... fine. I caught the flu or something, I–I'm dizzy. I need to go back to bed."

I chase Luke upstairs asking him to wait for me and to tell me what he needs so I can get it for him. "Luke, will you stop? I need to make sure you're okay before I leave!"

"Leave?!" That stopped him and made him turn. "You're moving out?"

"No! No. I'm just going out on a—"

"On a date." He finishes. A distant look in his eyes that he always gets when he's sick. "I'm fine. I texted Wells to come hang out. You can leave now."

I nod and turn to leave, though I'm leaving with a sour taste in my mouth. Fucking Wells, I can't stand the guy. He started competing with me over Luke's friendship in middle school and with time he kept being more and more annoying. Yes, he won and became Luke's best friend, but I became his husband so who really won? Because I could swear Wells wanted to be one Luke said 'I do' to. Is he going to pursue Luke now that he's free?

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