Surviving Number 8. Part 17.

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Namjoon held his middle finger up to the door as Junso disappeared out of it. He turned to see Jimin clenching fistfuls of his own hair in frustration.

"There is no way we would owe him billions. He's lying," Jimin stated.

"I know he's lying. I read every single word of our contracts. He's bluffing to scare us. And you know what I say to that? Fuck him, that's what. I won't let him scare me too. I'm so tired of being scared." Taehyung curled up in his hospital bed and clutched his pillow to his chest. "He's the least of my worries right now." His mind immediately went to Yoongi. He buried his face into his pillow as he started to cry loudly. His heart was so broken for his hyung. Please be okay. Please wake up and be okay.

The sound of Taehyung's crying caused everyone else's hearts to shatter a little more as they burst into their own tears.


The feeling of knowing there was absolutely nothing they could do to help their brother left a heavy weight inside all of them. What was worse was that the person who had done so much harm to everyone was walking around free. Nobody believed that anything was Ky's fault.

Jin didn't mean to crash the car.

Hobi had a pool accident.

It was Taehyung's own fault for not eating and being so malnourished he had passed out.

Yoongi climbed to the top of a tree for fun and fell out, hitting branches on the way down.

Ky convinced the police about all of this. They constantly took his word for it, despite everyone's attempts at telling the truth.

Jin was sobbing. "Why is the entire world against us? I just want help." He buried his face into his hands. "We have nobody."

Jimin wrapped Jin up in a tight hug. "That's not true hyung. We have each other." He kissed the top of his hyungs head to comfort him and then rocked him in his arms. The two of them stayed like that for quite a while. Sometimes a hug was all someone could give, and sometimes it was more than enough.

A few more days passed and Hobi's lungs had fully recovered. He didn't need breathing treatments anymore.

Taehyung had, to everyone's happiness, actually put some weight back on because he was eating well. Jungkook had questioned his hyung on how he was able to make such a turn around on his own.

"Because, Jungkookie. I passed out in the parking lot. As scary as that was, I realized something that had scared me even more. What if I had passed out sooner? What if I had passed out while trying to help save others? I would have been useless, and people could have died because of my own selfishness. I can't risk that. I need to be strong enough to save my family. I have to be able to protect you." Taehyung held his hand out and grabbed his maknae's, squeezing it. "I was being stupid. I can't let Ky win."

"You weren't being stupid, hyungie." Jungkook pulled Taehyung into a hug. "You were hurting."

Jin was listening and couldn't help but feel bad again about the time he'd screamed at Taehyung to eat, which that, mixed with Ky's scariness, had made the boy pass out before as well. He was so glad to see his dongsaeng being so strong now.

Jungkook's injuries had healed well. His ribs were okay, but his fingers would have to remain casted as they had more healing to do.

Jin was still dealing with a bad concussion. His head constantly hurt and he felt a lot of pressure behind his eyes that would always spiral into headaches. He had to be monitored, but it was definitely getting better. One thing that the members began to notice was Jin's personality was beginning to shift a bit.

Surviving Number 8. {BTS}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt