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I clutched my ears as a sudden siren like sound filled the air, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. Vansh's eyes widened. He sprung into action, handing me my laptop and making everyone gather their stuff.
"I want you all out of the building, NOW! MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!" He said, as everyone scrambled to their feet. We all rushed to the stairs, Vansh shepherding everyone .
I looked around and noticed something.
"Where's Aditi?" I asked loudly. Only Rohit, Vansh and another guy named Naman heard me. The rest were already halfway downstairs.
Vansh cursed, running an agitated hand through his hair.
"I sent her to the Kshitij office... I think she must have left when she heard the sirens though." He said.
I don't know why... but I got a bad feeling in my gut, as if I knew she wasn't safe. Naman spoke up.
"Maybe we can check... just to be safe." Vansh nodded, running downstairs to the office. We sprinted after him.
The scene in front of us made me falter. A chair was placed under the door knob as it rattled. I could hear muffled banging and shouts from the other side of the door. My heart constricted in my chest as I heard Aditi's panicked voice. Adrenaline filled my veins as I rushed towards the door and slid away the chair. I twisted the door knob and caught Aditi just in time as she slumped forward.
"Whoaa there Ads." I gripped her shoulder as she wheezed, clutching her chest. Behind her, smoke was rising from a charging outlet. The smoke was filling the room very quickly.
"Shit." Vansh said before dashing off, calling for the security.
"Can you walk?" I asked Aditi, still supporting her. She nodded weakly. I clenched my jaw, thinking of ways I could find the person who locked her in and make them regret their choice. Aditi, stumbled, bringing my attention back to the present. I quickly lifted her into my arms with ease, which seemed to be a norm for us these days. Her hands went to my t-shirt's collar as if on autopilot as her eyelids fluttered. She burried her head in my neck, her whole body shivering. Seeing her so weak and scared..... it felt as if someone was squeezing my heart. I carried her downstairs while Naman and Rohit followed. Maybe it was just my imagination but I noticed Naman glancing in our direction with an almost guilty look on his face.

Downstairs, the few students who were in college were standing in a circle as firefighters rushed in. One of them stopped in front of us and quickly took Aditi from my arms.
"Hey.. what- what are you.." I coughed, unable to speak. His eyes softened.
"Come with me kid. Trust me, you'll both be fine." He said.

He set Aditi's limp form on a stretcher and set up a chair next to it for me. 2 paramedics came rushing, one headed towards Aditi while the other came to me.
The one with Aditi, checked her pulse. Her breathing was shallow and she looked very pale. The one with me also made quick work of checking my pulse and cleared me. The other paramedic then began loading her into the back of an ambulance.
"Wait...I- I'll come as well." I said, not giving them a chance to argue, quickly taking a seat at the back.

"They are so cute!"
"Shush... you might wake them up, sweetheart."
"You have to agree though."
"Yes, yes. They are very cute." A voice conceded.
I sat up groggily, looking at the source of the voices. Aisha and Bhavin stood on the opposite side. Aisha was grinning so wide I couldn't help but wonder how her lips didn't hurt. Bhavin had wrapped his arm around her shoulder and was looking at her with pure adoration.
"You're up! I'm sorry, did we wake you?" Aisha asked, looking guilty. I shook my head no. A figure stirred in the bed beside me and it was only then that I noticed I was holding hands with someone. I glanced at the figure and my heart almost came to a stop when I realized it was Aditi. She looked better now, sleeping peacefully. Her breathing was more even. She stirred, her hand gripping mine tighter.
"It's okay.... you're safe now." I whispered in a soothing voice. She let out a satisfied sound and continued sleeping.

"Aditi! Jai! Are mere bacche!" (Oh my kids!) Aditi and my mom burst into the room, followed by our dad's.
"Wha... what the..." Aditi woke up, looking around, not letting go of my hand.
Our moms set to work, fawning over both of us. After a hundred questions and confirming we really were okay, they relaxed a little.

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