"I mean I want to say yes but I guess I'd be lying"

Leigh moved closer to me and took my limp hand in hers. She rubbed her thumb in smooth circles over it trying to give me a sense of balance "It's okay though you know, to be not be okay It has only been a few weeks and plus you've been dealing with so many things here so no one expects you to be over it"

"Leigh's right we don't expect you to be a hundred
percent for awhile" Jesy added sympathetically. I gave them all each a reassuring smile "No your right I just need to focus on the important stuff right now and worry about that later" While my relationship with Charles ending felt like my world had also ended, I had to remember I had a career to think about and get on with. And if Charles could do it so could I.

"That's the spirit now get your beautiful backside into that recording booth and do what you do best" Jade said kindly, I grinned leaning forward to plant a small kiss against her cheek before gathering myself up off the couch and into the booth.

Me and the girls always had a different way of recording songs to other artists or girl groups in the charts. We never assigned verses straight off the bat, instead we used a method we thought was more suitable to our vocals. We'd each take it in turns to sing the full song before listening back to each recording and deciding which voice suited which verses. So that's what I did, I tried my hardest to resist listening to the words flowing from my mouth and instead focused on the beat. How it felt. Instead of how I did.

When the final note echoed into my ears I leant forward and blew out a breath. I didn't want my pain to be evident anymore, I was tired of crying over Charles Leclerc so instead I discarded the headphones and walked back into the joining green room in higher spirits. I was met with erupted cheers and claps from the girls and my parents that had appeared. My heart stopped when I saw them at first, it'd been what felt like ages since I had last and I wanted to squeeze them both instantly. My mother was the first to step forward pulling me into a bone crushing hug "Oh Luce that was amazing"

I grabbed onto her tightly, glancing behind her at my father with a wide grin, a genuine one I hadn't had in weeks "Mum? Dad? What are you doing here?" My father had stepped into the embrace pulling me and my mother into his wide arms "We thought we would come by and visit since you came back to London"

"We wanted to make sure you were doing okay sweetie" My mum added as she stroked several loose strands of hair away from my face examining me closely "I'm fine mum I promise" I protested the best I could to ease their minds.

"Well you're going to have to be for the next surprise" My father turned his head towards the door that had been opened with a blast, nearly forcing it off its hinges. Lacey stormed her way into the room squealing "Guess who!"

"Lacey!?" I exclaimed with a short surprised laugh as I gathered myself out my parents embrace and into her arms. She wriggled me side to side with excitement like a toddler that couldn't sit still "You really think you couldn't announce your biggest tour yet and I wouldn't be here?!"

"You here for backstage passes?" I laughed into her hair as she held me tighter "Duh" She giggled. My parents had departed by my side to mingle with the girls who was sat respectfully away listening back to my recording with approving smiles and nods. Lacey had pulled me away to the side still wearing a thick smile "So are you ready for your surprise?"

My eyebrows cocked up in curiosity "There's more?" Lacey glanced behind me at the girls who only nodded in silent communication causing my stomach to stir slightly "Oh fuck what have you done Lace?" I asked anxiously.

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