Chapter 10

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Meanwhile, Carlos was downstairs at the dining table with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett were quite curious about Carlos' friend.

"So, tell me more about this friend of yours," Mr. Bennett started.

"Seems like your friend dumped quite a bit last night at dinner," Sabrina, Carlos' sister, added.

"Yeah. He must be a bit, uh, shy yesterday. Sorry about that," Carlos apologized, "Well, Ryder is such a caring and nice person. He and his pups love helping other people."

"Yeah... Just wasn't expecting the fact that he was bringing six pups in the house," Sabrina muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Sabrina, what's with the attitude?" Mr. Bennett scolded.

"Just not much of a fan of dogs. Especially talking dogs," Sabrina answered.

"Anyway, what about his parents, Carlos?" Mrs. Bennett brought up.

"His parents? Uhm, well, Ryder never told me anything about his parents, and I've never even met them in person before. He seems to be very independent at a young age," Carlos replied.

"Yeah... Just like you," Mr. Bennett compared, letting out a smile. Carlos smiled back.

"But he did mention something to me last night..." Carlos continued.

"What is it?" Mrs. Bennett asked with curiosity read all over her face.

"His mom used to tell him the same thing you always tell me, Dad," Carlos responded, "Don't stop from doing what is right. It's not always easy, but in the end, it will make you happy."

Mr. Bennett stared silently in shock, dropping the fork on his plate, and making a clanking sound. Mrs. Bennett could see the shock on his face as well, while Sabrina remained oblivious and decided not to bust into the conversation.

"His mom told him?" Mrs. Bennett asked.

"How did he know those words?" Mr. Bennett added.

"I never asked any further about his mom," Carlos answered, with a frown.

Mrs. Bennett has been staring at her husband, who was in mixed emotions of confusion and shock.

"You doing okay, Honey?" Mrs. Bennett questioned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just in deep thought. Anyway, I'm gonna get ready, I got a meeting in an hour. See you all later," Mr. Bennett answered.

Mr. Bennett left the dining table, leaving Mrs. Bennett, Sabrina, and Carlos still there. Mrs. Bennett was eager to find out more about Ryder.

"Looks like there's only one way to find out," she muttered softly to herself.

On the other hand, Chase, Skye, Marshall, Zuma, and Rubble found Ryder, sitting alone on the balcony.

"Okay, among all the places, why the balcony here?" Marshall brought up.

"Probably it's the only place where you can be alone," Skye guessed.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go!" Chase said as he led the way to the balcony.

"Eh, Chase? Shouldn't we-"

"Hi, Ryder!" Chase greeted, cutting off Zuma, who just facepalmed without a word.

There was no reply and only silence filled the air.

"Are you okay?" Skye added. Still, he didn't reply.

The pups looked at each other with frowning faces.

"Seems like he doesn't wanna talk," Marshall whispered.

"What do we do?" Rubble asked. Chase sighed.

"It's alright if he doesn't want to talk right now. We can wait here until he's re-"

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