Chapter 9

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Later on that day, Liberty went to find Skye, wanting to talk to her because she was worried about her friend. Finally, she found Skye messing with her stuff inside her bag.

"Hey, Skye!" Liberty greeted.

"Oh, eh... Hi, Liberty," Skye replied.

"I just wanted to know if you were doing okay. You looked quite sad since this morning," Liberty said, "Is... everything alright?"

Skye stared at her, not knowing how to reply. She knew she couldn't tell why exactly, but she had to say something as her friend was patiently waiting for an answer.

Meanwhile, Zuma was down in the kitchen, walking around as the maids went back and forth all over the place. But one certain maid caught his attention and he couldn't stop watching her. Chase noticed the Labrador and approached him in the kitchen.

"Uh, Zuma... What are you look-"

"Shh! Be quiet," Zuma shushed, "I'm gonna try something."

Zuma cleared his throat and called the maid, trying to see if he would get her attention.

"Excuse me, uhm... Ma'am."

The maid turned and looked down toward Zuma, who gasped at what he had just seen. Chase saw it too and his jaw dropped.

"Aunt Sarah?" they exclaimed at once.

"Oh, uh... Hey, uhm, Pups," Aunt Sarah chuckled nervously.

"What are you doing here?" Chase questioned.

"I work here now, Chase," she answered.

"Wait, you do? Since when?" Zuma asked.

"Since before Kathy died, which was why I wasn't able to come by at Adventure Bay for a while," Sarah replied.

"Well, it's good you didn't..." Chase snapped.

"Chase?!" Zuma whispered.

Suddenly, Rocky, Marshall, and Rubble came up from behind to see what was going on, only to get shocked at what they'd also witnessed in front of them.

"Hey, guys... What's going- Oh my god!" Rocky said, cutting off his own sentence.

"What in pup treats?!" Rubble shouted.

"Uh... A-Aunt Sarah?" Marshall stuttered.

"See? We all remember you, and so does Ryder. But that doesn't matter because Ryder won't be happy to see you right now, just like we're not happy to see you either," Chase continued, angrily.

"Chase, just relax!" Rocky said, trying to calm down the furious German Shepherd.

"Look, I know you are all upset at what I did in the past... I-I'm-"

"Of course, we are! Every time you'd come to Adventure Bay, you would just argue with Kathy, and when she died, you were never even around anymore. Do you think we would forget all of that?!" Chase growled.

"Did he just mention-"

"Shut up, Marshall!" Zuma squealed and then realized how rude he was, looking away in embarrassment.

"See? Nothing else to say, huh?!" Chase continued.

"Chase, that's enough!" Rubble yelled.

"Chase, who are you talking to?"

All the pups, even Aunt Sarah, faced who interrupted them, Ryder. Before Ryder could repeat his question to Chase, he turned his attention to someone else, staring silently at Aunt Sarah.

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